- Publication date
- 20 July 2023
This study expands on previous efforts to map access to six essential services mentioned in Principle 20 of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) in EU Member States: water, sanitation, energy, transport, financial services and digital communications. It has drawn from two main sources of evidence: qualitative analysis through national reports carried out by national experts, and quantitative analysis using microdata in the form of EU-SILC, requested from Eurostat. Additional quantitative evidence has been gathered from publicly available sources where microdata lacked sufficient variables for analysis.
The research considered, in turn, policy developments since the proclamation of the EPSR in 2017; the legal and policy framework in place to support access; current levels of access; barriers to accessing essential services, and drivers of increased access; policy measures which support access; and good practices in place in Member States. Additionally, the findings of the study have been subject to peer review by five senior thematic experts. Based on the findings, conclusions and recommendations for further action are presented.