- employment policy | chronic illness
- Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 (CEST)
- Where
- Belgium Brussels
- Languages
- English
During the meeting, the Commission informed that the guidance for reporting was officially transmitted to ministries and national implementation plans are expected by 15 June and most Member States confirmed timely submission.
These reports will also be reflected in the 2024 Social Protection Committee Annual Report. The discussion on the national plans touched upon preliminary results of stakeholder consultations, including areas for further strengthening and targeted reforms and investments. Member States also exchanged about the use of innovation and technology for the improvement of LTC services, both for the users and care givers. Member States agreed that more has to be done to strengthen data collection to support policy-making in LTC.
As part of the strategic partnership between the European Commission and the World Health Organisation, the “State of long-term care” tool was presented. This self-assessment tool supports a structured analysis of national long-term care systems and identification of policy options for system strengthening. After being piloted in three Member States (Lithuania, Ireland and Greece), it is expected that the tool will be available in October 2024.
Next steps
- Reporting on national measures (by June 2024)
- Synthesis of national measures for the SPC Annual Report (September 2024)
- Meeting of LTC coordinators (June 2024)
The Recommendation invites Member States to ensure sound policy governance in long-term care, including an effective coordination mechanism to design, deploy and monitor policy actions and investments in long-term care.
This includes having in place a long-term care coordinator or another appropriate coordination mechanism, in accordance with national circumstances, supporting the implementation of this Recommendation at national level.
Member States should communicate to the Commission, within 18 months from the adoption of this Recommendation, the set of measures taken or planned to implement it, building where relevant on existing national strategies or plans and taking into account national, regional and local circumstances.