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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 29 June 2023
  • 4 min read

Celebrating a decade of working together on apprenticeships – EAfA’s 10-year anniversary event

On 26 and 27 June 2023, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) held its 2023 high-level event in Brussels, Belgium. The event marked the Alliance’s 10th anniversary as well as the 5th anniversary of the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.

The event, moderated by Vicki Donlevy, Research Director at Ecorys, brought together leading experts, policymakers and key stakeholders in person, as well as over 500 in-person and online participants over 2 days, to celebrate EAfA’s achievements over the past decade and to discuss the benefits, challenges, and future of apprenticeships in Europe.  

In his welcome speech, Joost Korte, Director-General of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion said: “Looking back to 2013 we had the highest unemployment rate ever in the European Union, and 26 million people were out of a job. Since then, over 400 members have joined the Alliance, pledging for 1.3 million apprenticeship placements. In 2023, the situation is a lot better. We have a strong labour market and record-low unemployment rate.” 

"However, we face huge challenges such as the climate emergency, a high cost of living and a ‘global race of talent’ and labour shortages in the EU. This problem is particularly felt in the sectors linked to the green and digital transition where there is potential to create many high-quality jobs. This is why apprenticeships are more relevant now than ever before and are a core part of the European Year of Skills. The Year of Skills is about creating a positive mindset around upskilling and reskilling, and seeing apprenticeships as an investment and not a cost. Today’s event brings together social partners and stakeholders together, discussing quality, and sustainable apprenticeships for adults.”. 

Representatives of the four European social partners – Ludovic Voet (Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation), Maxime Cerutti (Social Affairs Director, BusinessEurope), Valentina Guerra (Policy Director Social Affairs and Training, SMEunited) and Guillaume Afellat (Senior Policy Advisor, SGI Europe) also gave welcome speeches. Manuela Geleng, Director of Jobs and Skills from DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, opened the signing ceremony, welcoming nine new members in person, and twenty in total, to EAfA. The list of new pledges and renewals is available here. 

Key takeaways

The event included four panels, each focussing on a different aspect of apprenticeships.  Topics included the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships, securing skilled employees through apprenticeships, adult apprenticeships, and apprenticeships as agents for a sustainable future. 

During the first panel Carl Lamote, Department of Education and Training in Flanders, Belgium, discussed how apprenticeships have transformed in the region. He noted that “the previous apprenticeship system in Flanders was not adapted to the needs of today. From 2018 we used the European Framework as a compass and introduced a system to give companies a qualitative label for apprenticeships. This was revolutionary in Flanders.” 

The second panel showcased how apprenticeships are key to secure skilled employees. Adam Skokan, Event Director at AVRAR, a Czech virtual reality company, explained “Apprentices help to address the shortage of workers in the VR industry. Apprentices have the chance to organise events themselves and eventually reach management positions. All we need is the inner motivation from the apprentices, and we give them the opportunities.” 

On the second day of the event Diana Spiridon, Team Leader for Adult Skills in DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, introduced the Pact for Skills. Launched in November 2020, the Pact has welcomed 1,500 organisations to its networks who are committed to promoting skills development in the EU.

Following this Anna Barbieri, Team Leader for Apprenticeships and Erasmus +, took stock of the progress of EAfA in 2023, highlighting achievements such as the new pledges and renewals, and the publication of a factsheet on financial support to apprenticeships. She also explored the upcoming work, including an info session on EAfA on 3 July, micro credentials for apprenticeships, upcoming events and the synergies with the Pact for Skills.  

The third panel, moderated by Ana Carrero, Deputy Head of the Unit in charge of VET and apprenticeships at the European Commission’s DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, focussed on the challenges and opportunities that can come with adult apprenticeships. Lina Konstantinopoulou, Policy Director, Eurochambres, noted that “unfortunately apprenticeships are still perceived as being for young people. We need to change the culture of lifelong learning and address disparities in apprenticeship schemes across the EU.” 

The final panel explored the role apprenticeships play in the EU’s green transition and sustainable development goals. Speaking of the role the new generation of workers can play in the green transition, Ben Kinross from the European Apprentice Network highlighted that “we have a generation of apprentices and young people who have a fundamentally different understanding of green technology and their place in the world. We would be wise to create democratic spaces where young people can discuss challenges in work and education.” 

Concluding the event, Manuela Geleng noted that “apprenticeships are very high on our agenda as we are going through the green and digital transition. I think that we are all together in this. We need to upskill and reskill, and apprenticeships are important for the young and also for the adults already in the workforce. The message of the Year of Skills is: everybody has to learn”.  

The panels were complemented by animated Q&A sessions with the live audience and opportunities for participants to network.  

Discover the event agenda and speaker details here, and watch the full recording using the links below: 

Day 1: 

Day 2:  


Publication date
29 June 2023