As the Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities comprises all policy areas, this monitoring framework relies on contributions from all Commission services.
Despite progress, gaps persist
Persons with disabilities have the right to full participation in all areas of life, as does everyone else. Yet, despite progress in some areas, many obstacles remain:
- only half (50.8%) of persons with disabilities are employed compared to 3 in 4 (75%) persons without disabilities
- more persons with disabilities are at risk of poverty or social exclusion compared to persons without disabilities (28.4% compared to 18.4%)
- 4 times more persons with disabilities report unmet healthcare needs than those without disabilities
- fewer persons with disabilities attain a tertiary degree than persons without disabilities (29.4% compared to 43.8%)
(Source: Eurostat)
The strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities aims to achieve significant progress in the European Union and worldwide.
Progress achieved on the Strategy
Out of seven flagship initiatives of the Strategy, two have already been delivered:
- establishing the Disability Platform, where EU countries, civil society and institutions work together on making the goals of the Strategy a reality
- a renewed Human Resources (HR) Strategy for the European Commission, with actions to promote diversity and inclusion of persons with disabilities
More flagship initiatives will be adopted in the coming months and years:
- a package to improve the labour market outcomes of persons with disabilities (second half of 2022)
- a European resource centre AccessibleEU (2022). AccessibleEU will provide information and good practices on accessibility across sectors
- a proposal for a European Disability Card that would apply to all EU countries (by the end of 2023). The card will make it easier for persons with disabilities to get the proper support when they travel or move to another country in the European Union
- guidance guidance recommending improvements on independent living and inclusion in the community (2023)
- Framework for Social Services of Excellence to improve the quality of community-based services for persons with disabilities (2024)
The monitoring table of the European Commission’s 64 actions will be fully updated on an annual basis (next update planned for January 2023). Punctual updates will also be done, particularly on flagship initiatives. Information on the implementation of Member States’ actions is under consideration.
Data collection
The monitoring framework also includes information on statistical data collection by Eurostat and indicators on the situation of persons with disabilities by the EU and the Member States.
- Publication date
- 25 May 2022