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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 7 September 2022
  • 1 min read

Europe’s Public Employment Services share lessons on PES visibility and branding

A new paper from the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) highlights good practices in both internal and external communication by PES in Europe. The paper sets out recommendations for PES to better communicate with their target audiences, a crucial task for improving the visibility and recognition of their role, services, expertise and labour market contribution.

The outcomes paper from the PES Network Working Group on PES Visibility and Branding has highlighted the importance of building a positive and modern image of PES as labour market service providers and employers. As part of that, PES need an attractive, modern visual identity that expresses their primary purpose of helping people to fulfil their potential.

Establishing the role of PES as a source of expertise on labour market topics – notably towards the media – can reinforce public confidence in the role and work of PES. Campaigns to communicate the findings of original research can play an important role in this context.

Good internal communications are also vital for PES to ensure staff engagement and the creation of highly motivated, self-managing teams throughout the organisation. Managers should take care to provide team members with timely, clear and well targeted information, without overloading them with messages.

At the same time, it is essential that comprehensive systems to measure and evaluate communication campaigns are used to verify successes and learn lessons for improvement. Social media platforms can be crucial for reaching target audiences, but PES need to identify which networks work best for them in their context.

See the outcomes paper for more detailed lessons learned and examples of good PES practices supporting the above recommendations. It is the result of an open exchange of ideas, experiences and practices between ten members of a 2021-2022 PES Network Working Group on PES Visibility and Branding. This group followed on from a 2020-2021 Working Group on the same topic that delivered a 2021 PES Practice Casebook on effective communication. Both groups were hosted online by the Estonian PES (Eesti Töötukassa).


Publication date
7 September 2022