As a student passionate about green and other open spaces and the quality of outdoor spaces, you will be able to test your skills in a real-life challenge and learn about current urban greening issues in Romania and the concept of the Green Flag Award.
Maybe you are preoccupied by subjects such as nature, climate resilience, quality of air and quality of outdoor spaces. Maybe you are wondering how you can contribute to improving, urban environments and how to meet the needs of a community in terms of green spaces.
During the event, you will learn:
- What is the Green Flag Award
- Benefits of Green Flag Award
- How to evaluate a park according to Green Flag Award Criteria
- How to promote and share good practice amongst the green space sector.
When? 6-7th of March 2025
Where? Iași, Romania
Trainers: Diana Culescu and Mihai Culescu, landscape architects
Training language: English
Contact information:
Dorian Zemba
dorian [dot] zembaworldskills [dot] ro (dorian[dot]zemba[at]worldskills[dot]ro)
WorldSkills Romania @worldskillsromania
Lear more about Centres of Vocational Excellence
The EU aims to introducing a European dimension of vocational excellence, both by encouraging Member States to establish CoVEs that contribute to create skills ecosystems responding to local needs, and by supporting international collaborative networks bringing together CoVEs that share a common interest in developing skills ecosystems. The Erasmus+ funding for Centres of Vocational Excellence and the International Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence support this endeavour.
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- Publication date
- 12 February 2025
- Author
- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion