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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 16 June 2023
  • 3 min read

Join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships High-Level Event!

The European Alliance of Apprenticeships (EAfA) High-Level Event 2023 will take place on 26-27 June 2023 in Brussels (Belgium).

This event is part of the European Year of Skills (EYS) and will also mark EAfA’s 10th anniversary, bringing together its members as well as wider European and international stakeholders. Commissioner Nicolas Schmit will be present to highlight how apprenticeships can contribute to sustainable employment and empower individuals with the skills needed for the green and digital transitions.  


The event will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Council's recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (EFQEA). Ensuring high-quality apprenticeships is essential for providing tangible skills and supporting young and adult apprentices to develop sustainable and successful career pathways. The EFQEA recommendation defines 14 quality criteria – 7 on learning and working conditions, and a further 7 on framework conditions. The EFQEA is also referenced in the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s standards on quality apprenticeships. The European and international standards for apprenticeships and their implementation will be discussed in the first panel of the High-Level Event. This background document sets the scene for the discussion.  


Given the European economy’s reliance on a skilled workforce to address its key goals and overcome challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis, and labour and skills shortages, ensuring the provision of quality apprenticeships is essential. As a hands-on form of vocational training which combines both work-based learning and learning in education or training institutions, apprenticeships are a highly effective tool to address the skills needed to successfully navigate the twin transition and other megatrends (e.g. ageing workforce). Apprenticeships as a means to secure skilled employees is the focus of the second panel at the event. This background document provides an overview of successful examples from Belgium, Ireland, and the Netherlands on how apprenticeships can adapt to labour market changes.  


In light of these challenges and the evolving labour market needs, it is essential that upskilling and reskilling opportunities are available to workers and jobseekers of all ages. Apprenticeships increasingly cater to adult learners, providing hands-on, authentic and task-based learning, often preferred by adults. Adult apprentices, who often have additional personal or family responsibilties, value the paid, contractual nature of apprenticeships, fostering their motivation and boosting their participation in adult learning. Adult apprenticeships will be discussed during the third panel of the event. This background document outlines the results of Cedefop’s research on adult apprenticeships, including some good practices from France, Denmark, and Sweden.  


The greening of the economy demands new skillsets and competences, including knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes for sustainable societies. Cedefop's skills foresight studies highlight how partnerships at the local and regional level can be instrumental in understanding and adapting to these evolving needs. Apprenticeships, via their inherent cross-collaborative nature, are especially well-suited to support the necessary adaptations for the green transition. Apprentices themselves are motivated to explore sustainability in their professions, often triggering innovation in both their workplaces and learning institutions. Apprentices as agents for a sustainable future is the theme of the fourth and final panel of the event. Examples of relevant European initiatives can be found in this background document.  


To find out more about the High-Level Event, visit this page. Online participation in the event is open to everyone; we welcome you to visit the event website now and register to join the EAfA High-Level Event 2023. 


EAfA takes pride in organising events regularly. Members are invited to attend in person with all expenses covered by the Alliance. If you aspire to join EAfA, we encourage you to submit your pledge today! 


Publication date
16 June 2023