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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 26 October 2023
  • 1 min read

PESPod #19: Caroline Mancel - Leading the way for the PES Network

The 19th episode of PESPod interviews Caroline Mancel, Chair of the PES Network and Deputy Director General of Belgian PES Actiris. Speaking with host and journalist David Poyser, Mancel shares her journey to become the PES Chair and her vision for the European Public Employment Services Network.

PESPod #19 Caroline Mancel - Leading the way for the PES Network

The latest PESPod episode #19 features the Chair of the PES Network, Caroline Mancel, discussing her background and what hopes and ambitions she has for the Network. Mancel, who assumed the role of PES Network Chair in July 2023, while continuing her role as Deputy Director General of Brussels-based PES Actiris, provides insights into her journey, challenges faced by the European labour market, and next steps on her agenda. 

Mancel's background in international relations as well as her passion for fostering collaboration and making tangible progress shine through as she discusses the challenges facing the current labour market, such as skills shortages and mismatches, and the importance of addressing them: 

"We are really facing skills and labour shortages in the labour market, and we have started mapping how PES are measuring shortages across the EU. That's the first step to take, and now we're discussing a possible common approach…For all these challenges, we are really trying to embrace them in a very holistic way.

She also acknowledges the European Year of Skills as a positive initiative, saying that she believes it offers an opportunity to prioritise skills development. Not to be missed, the PES Network has contributed to the discourse with an opinion paper.  

Mancel also emphasises the significance of European solidarity, mutual trust among PES members, and fostering concrete partnerships with stakeholders. Her commitment to creating a culture of value and importance within the PES Network highlights her leadership approach, promising a positive impact on employment services in Europe as they navigate the evolving labour market. 

With a focus on addressing labour market challenges, fostering partnerships, and promoting collaboration and exchange, Mancel shares that she aims to enhance the effectiveness of European Public Employment Services to benefit job seekers and employers alike.  

Download and listen to the 19th episode of PESPod wherever you listen to your podcasts including:

If you have any comments about this episode of PESPod or relevant topics for future episodes, write to us at: EMPL-PES-SECRETARIATatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EMPL-PES-SECRETARIAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


Publication date
26 October 2023