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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 16 June 2022
  • 1 min read

PESPod#12: Discover the latest approaches to labour shortages in Europe

A new episode of PESPod – the podcast of the European PES Network – showcases the latest research and practice in addressing labour and skills shortages in Europe. Hear about recent trends in different sectors and the example of what the Public Employment Service (PES) in Norway is doing with their partners to tackle these crucial issues for the future labour market.

In episode 12 of PESPod, host David Poyser speaks to Deputy Director Haakon Hertzberg from the Norwegian PES (NAV) about their latest practices and Tina Weber of Eurofound about their latest research in tackling labour and skills shortages – the topic of the recent PES Network Stakeholder Conference 2022.

Haakon Hertzberg tells us about the success the Norwegian PES has had working closely with young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) in Norway – through both supported employment and working with partners in the mental-healthcare system. Listen out for his views on the dangers of allocating insufficient resources to such efforts.

Hear also Tina Weber’s assessment of which policy measures have worked for addressing specific labour shortages in different countries. Listen out, for example, for the contrasting steps taken to address a shortage of doctors and nurses in the healthcare system in Romania and to address a shortage of skilled and unskilled labour in the construction sector in Ireland.

Other issues discussed by Haakon and Tina include: the critical importance of working with employers and educational establishments; the value of work placements; the potential of data mining for identifying future skills needs; understanding what emerging ‘green skills’ might be in practice; the need to revalorise vocational training opportunities; how to monitor long-term impact of active labour market policy measures and whether there really has been a ‘great resignation’ in Europe as a result of COVID-19…

Download the episode wherever you listen to your podcasts to find out more.

Any comments about PESPod? Write to us at: EMPL-PES-SECRETARIATatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EMPL-PES-SECRETARIAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).


Publication date
16 June 2022