To mark the European Year of Youth 2022, the PES Network has released this new video on Supporting young people’s transition into the labour market, presenting perspectives from Public Employment Services (PES), their partners, employers and young people themselves.
Watch the video to learn about the benefits of the latest PES partnership approaches being undertaken to support labour market integration of sometimes vulnerable young people. These include initiatives to promote skills development, but also efforts to help young people overcome the barriers they are experiencing to enter the labour market, including issues around self-confidence and mental health.
Hear how the Italian PES (ANPAL) and the Italian Chamber of Commerce (Unioncamere) have developed a programme called ‘Growing in Digital’ to enable young unemployed people to improve their digital skills in their areas of interest. The programme –funded by the EU (European Social Fund / Youth Employment Initiative) – also supports SMEs to find young recruits with appropriate digital skills.
From Norway, hear how the Norwegian PES (NAV) and the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Resource Centre in Oslo have been working together on a programme helping youths not in employment, education or training (NEET). The approach combines therapy and vocational coaching with work placements and on-site training to help young people cope better with their entry to the labour market.
Finally, the video presents the partnership between the regional PES for Brussels (Actiris) and a local Research and Social Innovation Laboratory (Art2Work) through Actiris Partnerships for Young NEETS. Hear how the programme – also co-funded by the EU (European Social Fund / Youth Employment Initiative) – teams young people with vocational coaches to plan a career or training path through exploration of their personal interests.
Watch the video to learn more about these innovative practices both from the perspective of those implementing them and those directly benefitting.
- Publication date
- 25 May 2022