Euronews travels to Spain, where homelessness has surged by 25% in the last decade, prompting calls for a new approach. Known as Housing First, this concept views housing as a right rather than as a reward, as enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Carlos Martínez Carrasco who lived rough for years on the streets, tells Euronews getting a flat in the outskirts of Madrid has changed his life in every way. "I no longer lack the things that you do when you’re on the street and I can cook... I can go out with the peace of mind that I have a place to come back to. I am very happy today’.
NGOs Provivienda and Hogar Si co-manage several Housing First initiatives in Spain which are financed by Madrid’s municipality through the European Social Fund. Gema Callardo, the director general for Provivienda explains: "European funds (ESF+) are mainly being used to implement innovative solutions and to increase the stock of social and affordable housing. Two fundamental solutions to reduce homelessness in Spain.”
The European Platform on Combating Homelessness is also working to bring about change. Yves Leterme, the former Prime Minister of Belgium and the Chair of the Steering Board for the Platform believes member states can learn from each other and join forces to make homelessness a thing of the past. Progress in the current economic context won’t be easy, but evidence shows that with the right policies and incentives, change is possible.
- Publication date
- 1 February 2024