Social partners
Social dialogue in this sector covers:
- electric power generation, distribution, trade & transmission.
The electricity sector employs over 1.1 million people in the EU in over 56,000 businesses.
Challenges in the sector include:
- competition from other energy sources (e.g. gas, oil) and ‘behind-the-meter’ solutions (e.g. photovoltaics)
- security of the energy supply
- adapting to climate change
- demographic change
- restructuring the industry.
Workers' representatives
Employers' representatives
- Union of the Electricity Industry (EURELECTRIC)
Focus areas
The Committee is currently focusing on:
- follow-up to the Energy Roadmap 2050 on Employment
- managing the 'just energy transition'
- skills and qualifications
- youth employment
- corporate social responsibility
- equal opportunities and diversity (e.g. work-life balance)
- health and safety.
Activities and meetings
Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.
Achievements/Joint texts
Check the social dialogue texts database