Social partners
Social dialogue in this sector covers hospitals and human health activities defined by NACE (Rev.2) codes 86.
More than 23 million people are employed in the human health and social work sector, (European Semester Thematic Fiche Health and Health Systems, European Commission 2015), of which more than 13 million in hospitals.
Challenges to the sector include:
- recruiting (including cross-border recruiting) and retaining workers
- the ageing workforce
- health and safety at the workplace, including preventing, managing and reducing musculoskeletal disorders
- psycho-social risks at the workplace
- needlestick injuries
- the increased use of digital technology
- the development of new care patterns
- the skills mismatch and regular upgrading and upskilling requirements
- patients’ increasing demands and expectations for high-quality health care services
Overall, the health of the EU population has never been better. Infant mortality has fallen sharply in recent years and life expectancy at birth has increased.
But the EU’s population is ageing: by 2020, there will be 40 % more people aged 75 and above compared to 1990, and around 25 % of people will be over 65. The ageing population will require more and better health services.
The development of medical technologies will also have an increasing impact on health services in the future.
EU countries have implemented a wide range of structural reforms and cost-containment measures to make their health systems more efficient and effective. However, in some EU countries people still face difficulties accessing health services, and health inequalities persist.
Workers' organisations
Employers' organisations
Key areas
The social partners are currently focusing on:
- Occupational health and safety
- Recruitment and retention of health care workforce
- Continuing professional development and life-long learning for all health care staff
- Strengthening the capacity of hospital and health care social dialogue structures across all EU countries
- Promoting an exchange of knowledge and experience among the social partners’ organisations and their representatives,
- Influencing policies at EU level by monitoring and getting involved in EU consultation and legislative processes.
Activities and meetings
Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.
Achievements/Joint texts
Check the social dialogue texts database