Social partners
Social dialogue in this sector covers inland waterway transport.
The activities covered are those most closely defined by the following NACE (Rev. 2) codes:
- 50.3 - Inland passenger water transport
- 50.4 - Inland freight water transport
- 52.2 - Support activities for transportation
Facts & figures
EU-wide, the sector directly employs some 40 000 people, including owner-operators, part-time and temporary workers, staff engaged in passenger transport. About 65% of them work in the Rhine corridor.
Inland waterways are important role for goods transport in Europe. More than 41 500 km of waterways connect hundreds of cities and industrial regions. 20 out of the 28 EU countries have inland waterways, while 12 have interconnected waterway networks.
Inland waterways & the environment
Inland waterways provide an environment-friendly way to transport goodsd – a key aspect of sustainable mobility. They should be used more to relieve heavily congested transport corridors. Measures to boost waterway transport are an integral part of the EU NAIADES action programme.
Workers' organisations
Employers' organisations
Key areas & projects
The Committee is currently focusing on:
- establishing uniform rules on social security legislation
- improvements in on-board working & living conditions & access to port-side facilities
- recognition of professional qualifications
- standardisation & modernisation of crewing requirements
- promoting fair competition (establishing recommendations & a social code on fair transport)
- implementing Council Directive 2014/112//EU throughout the EU.
Activities & meetings
Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.
Achievements/Joint texts
Check the social dialogue texts database