Social partners
Social dialogue in this sector covers:
- performing arts (i.e. live theatre, concerts, opera, dance and other stage productions and related support activities)
- operation of venues (e.g. concert halls, theatres and other arts facilities).
The EU's live performance sector employs around 1.1 million people (Eurostat, Labour Force Survey data 2014).
There is a high proportion of freelance and self-employed workers in this sector and the number is rising.
Performing arts budgets are under pressure because of the slow growth and even decline in public subsidies for this sector in the EU.
The live performance sector requires significant travel, including travel in the EU, non-EU nationals travelling to the EU, and European performers travelling to other parts of the world (especially the USA). While some progress in this respect has been made in recent years, several issues related to such geographical mobility remain to be resolved, notably as regards
- social security,
- labour law,
- taxation,
- visas and work permits,
- travelling with music instruments.
Workers' organisations
- European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA)
- EURO-MEI - UNI-Europa performance and media branch
- International Federation of Musicians (FIM)
- International Federation of Actors (FIA)
Employers' organisations
Key areas
The Committee is currently focusing on:
- social dialogue and the role of the social partners (e.g. capacity building and exchanging information)
- health and safety (e.g. risk assessment and risk prevention)
- training and skills (creation of a skills council in conjunction with the audiovisual sector)
- working abroad (including the problem of double taxation)
- public funding.
Activities and meetings
Check the library entries for the live performance social dialogue committee.
Achievements/Joint texts
Check the social dialogue texts database