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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Social partners

Social dialogue in this sector covers postal and courier activities.

The EU postal services sector employs about 1.7 m people (Eurostat, EU Labour Force Survey data for 2014) in some 60,000 enterprises (Eurostat, 2013 Business Statistics). As a result of ongoing restructuring, jobs have been shed and postal workers' skill sets have changed, as have the skills postal operators need.

Postal services have been gradually liberalised since the late 1990s, with full market opening in all EU countries from early 2013. Change is being driven by technological innovation and the fall in letter-mail volumes due to the rise in electronic communication. Postal companies have had to review their business processes, invest in ICT and diversify into areas such as financial services and logistics. Parcel delivery is also a key growth area.

Employees' organisations

Employers' organisations

Key areas

The Committee is currently focusing on:

  • developments in the postal sector, change management & mobilising social partners
  • training, with discussions on matching skills & jobs, especially by improving employability, skills certification & transferability of skills and certifications
  • health & safety, with a focus on age management & employability
  • telling other interested organisations or individuals & policymakers about its work.

Activities & meetings

Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database