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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Apprentices find a job faster, keep it for longer and are better paid than other students. A smart way to start your career!

What are apprenticeships?

In an apprenticeship, you divide your time between learning in school and training in a company. Usually, you will have a contract with the company and get paid for your work. When you finish your apprenticeship, you receive a fully recognised diploma or certification.

If you want to find out more apprenticeships in your country, please click on the flags at the bottom of this page.

What are the benefits?

You get valuable work experience that you can put on your CV, and good contacts in the industry or sector that can help you start your career. 2 in 3 people get hired immediately after they finish their apprenticeship.

Europe needs more workers with practical skills and qualifications. In an apprenticeship, you develop the skills that employers are looking for, which will make you more employable.

What is the EU doing?

The EU promotes apprenticeships through the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) and the Apprenticeship Support Service.

Through the Youth Guarantee, you can have the right to an apprenticeship. Erasmus+ can sponsor your training abroad. EURES can help you find an apprenticeship in a new country.

The European Apprentices Network (EAN) is a network of apprentices at European level, established in 2017 to make sure that the voice of young apprentices is heard in discussions related to vocational education and training (VET), in particular apprenticeships. The EAN was created in cooperation with the European Youth Forum, OBESSU, and with the support of the European Commission.

The EU places great importance to the quality of apprenticeships which is why, in 2018, it adopted a recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.   

Showcasing talent through the EAfA Awards

The EAfA awards recognise outstanding achievements in the area of apprenticeships by companies and their apprentices.

Find out more in the EAfA brochure: Good for Youth, Good for Business.

Where can I find an apprenticeship?

If you are interested in finding out more about apprenticeships in your country, please find some useful links below.

Austria | Belgium

Bulgaria | Croatia

  • Професионалното обучение се организира от различни и много обучителни организации в цялата страна. Няма единна платформа, на която да се публикуват предложения за професионално обучение.

    Списък на професиите за професионално  обучениеНа интернет страницата на Националната агенция за професионално образование и обучение и може да се намери списък на лицензираните организации и по кои професии всяка от тези обучителни организации провежда обученияРегионалните занаятчийски камари създават и поддържат регистър на занаятчиите, които са техни членове. Регистрите се публикуват на интернет страницата на съответната регионална занаятчийска камара ( 
    Кандидатите могат да се обърнат към занаятчийските предприятия с молба да започнат обучение при тях.

    Министерство на труда и социалната политика
    Агенция по заетостта

  • Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts
    More information on the schemes/ programmes in Croatia can be obtained from the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts

Cyprus | Czech Republic

  • Foundation for the management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes

  • Finding end ensuring a practical training or a work placement is in a responsibility of the school director. The director usually contacts representatives of companies in respective regions in order to establish cooperation and ensure a responsible and reliable social partner for school.

    The Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS – Dům zahraniční spolupráce) is established and controlled by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic. DZS provides among other things information and guidance for anyone interested in initial vocational education and training (IVET) in the Czech Republic.

Denmark | Estonia

Finland | France

Germany | Greece

Hungary | Ireland

  • No information available

    While attending Off-the-Job phases of training the apprentice is paid a continued training allowance by SOLAS from an apprenticeship fund. Throughout the On-the-Job training phases apprentices are paid the normal apprentice wage rate by the employer. In most cases such rates have been agreed between employer and trade union representatives and vary according to the year of apprenticeship.

    Intreo is a service from the Department of Social Protection. Intreo is a single point of contact for all employment needs and offers practical, tailored employment services and supports for jobseekers and employers alike.

Italy | Latvia

Lithuania | Luxemburg

Malta | The Netherlands

Poland | Portugal

  • Information about places of apprenticeships is available from the chambers and guilds of craftsmen, Voluntary Labour Corps, and information about taking apprenticeships, is available for candidates directly from employers.
    Information is also available at:
    Apprenticeship for adults:

  • These courses are developed by the Employment and Vocational Training centres of IEFP, by the Sectorial Vocational Training Centres managed jointly by IEFP and the Social Partners - that are privileged structures concerning the information on skills needs in the respective sectors of activity due to the proximity to companies, with whom they work side-by-side -, as well by certified training providers (external training providers).
    More information available at the nearest  Vocational Training/Job Centre or at the IEFP webpage at or send us your question by accessing this link:

Romania | Slovakia

  • For more information, the candidates may address to the country agencies for employment which are the territorial structures of the National Agency for Employment. Their addresses and websites are available on NAE’s websites:  On the same website are advertised the job vacancies in Romania.

  • Information about dual education and placements for apprenticeship can be found on the website of national project Development of secondary Vocational Education and Training and at websites of chambers of employers and associations of employers.

    The applicants for places in dual education system can ask all chambers and associations of employers in Slovakia.

    Rozvoj stredného odborného vzdelávania

    Slovenská živnostenská komora

    Slovenská Banská Komora

    Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potravinárska komora

Slovenia | Spain


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