The following EU and EEA Member States wish to be notified of all posting situations on their territory in accordance with Article 15(1) Regulation (EC) No 987/2009: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Find the addresses of institutions to be notified in the list below.
No notification required
Concerning employed persons and civil servants:
National Social Security Office - Department for international Relations
Victor Hortaplein 11 - 1060 BRUSSEL
E-mail: RSZMigrrsz [dot] fgov [dot] be (RSZMigr[at]rsz[dot]fgov[dot]be) / ONSSMigr
onss [dot] fgov [dot] be (ONSSMigr[at]onss[dot]fgov[dot]be )
Concerning self-employed persons:
National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed
Willebroekkaai 35 - 1000 BRUSSEL
E-mail: mailbox-monitoring-a1rsvz-inasti [dot] fgov [dot] be (mailbox-monitoring-a1[at]rsvz-inasti[dot]fgov[dot]be)
National Revenue Agency
52, Alexander Dondukov, Blvd. 1000 SOFIACompetent institution responsible for receiving PD A1:
Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, ZAGREB
Phone: +385 1 4595164 / Fax: +385 1 4595066
E-mail: hzmo-eumirovinsko [dot] hr (hzmo-eu[at]mirovinsko[dot]hr)
Website: http://www.mirovinsko.hrCompetent authority responsible for monitoring the procedure:
Ministry of Labour and Pension System, ZAGREB
Phone: +385 1 6106312 / Fax: +385 1 6109305
E-mail: infomrms [dot] hr (info[at]mrms[dot]hr)
Website: http://www.mrms.hrNo notification required
No notification required
No notification required
Estonian Social Insurance Board
Endla 815092 TALLINN
E-mail: infosotsiaalkindlustusamet [dot] ee (info[at]sotsiaalkindlustusamet[dot]ee)
Website: www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.eeThe Finnish Centre for Pensions
00065 ELÄKETURVAKESKUS FINLANDCentre des Liaisons Européennes et Internationales de Sécurité Sociale (CLEISS)
11 rue de la Tour des Dames 75436 PARIS CEDEX 09
Phone: +33 1 45 26 33 41
E-mail: webmestrecleiss [dot] fr (webmestre[at]cleiss[dot]fr)
Website: http://www.cleiss.frGerman Statutory pension Insurance - Data Section
Würzburg Bernerstraße - 197084 WÜRZBURGNo notification required
No notification required
Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (TR)
Laugavegur 114150 ICELAND
Website: notification required
Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale - Regional directorates competent to receive notifications for each EU country
State Social Insurance Agency (VSAA) - Contributions Division
Titla Iela 11 k-11011 RIGA
E-mail: iemaksasvsaa [dot] lv (iemaksas[at]vsaa[dot]lv)
Website: www.vsaa.lvNo notification required
No notification required
No notification required
Sociale Verzekeringsbank
Locatie Amstelveen
Postbus 357 1180 AJ AMSTELVEENNAV Internasjonalt
P.O. Box 8138 Dep 0033 OSLONo notification required
No notification required
No notification required
Sociálna poisťovňa, ústredie Oddelenie koordinácie medzinárodných poistných vzťahov
Ul. 29.augusta 8-10 81363 BRATISLAVANo notification required
No notification required
Box 1164 62122 VISBY