The organisations designated under the Directive on measures facilitating the exercise of rights conferred on workers in the context of freedom of movement for workers, so-called bodies, are empowered to
- promote equal treatment,
- analyse the problems faced by Union workers and members of their family,
- study possible solutions
- provide specific assistance.
Such independent legal and/or other assistance includes
- legal advice on the application of the relevant Union and national rules on free movement of workers,
- provision of information about complaint procedures,
- help to protect the rights of workers and members of their family.
- In some countries it may also include assistance in legal proceedings.
Click on a flag to find out the contact details of the bodies:
Federal Chamber of Labour
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 20-22, 1040 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 501 65
Email: akmailboxakwien [dot] at (akmailbox[at]akwien[dot]at)
Regional Chambers of Labour
(provides advice and assistance on labour law issues)Ombud for Equal Treatment
Taubstummengasse 11, 1040 Vienna,
Phone: +43 1 532 02 44 or through countrywide toll-free helpline 0800 206 119
Fax: +43 1 532 02 46
Email: gawbka [dot] gv [dot] at (gaw[at]bka[dot]gv[dot]at)
(provides advice and assistance related to discrimination based on ethnic origin)Federal Centre of Migration
Rue Royale 138
1000 Bruxelles
Tel +32 (0)2 212 30 00
Fax +32 (0)2 212 30 30
myriamyria [dot] be (myria[at]myria[dot]be)
Rue Royale 138
1000 Bruxelles
Tel +32 (0)2 212 30 00
Fax +32 (0)2 212 30 30
infounia [dot] be (info[at]unia[dot]be)
Employment Agency
Directorate International labour migration and mediation
3 Dondukov Blvd.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 9265 318
D [dot] Kostadinovaaz [dot] government [dot] bg (D[dot]Kostadinova[at]az[dot]government[dot]bg)
Ministry of Labour and Pension System
Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb
infomrms [dot] hr (info[at]mrms[dot]hr)
+385 1 6109611
Key competences: coordinating body; provides advices regarding employment and labour lawOther bodies acting as Contact Points
Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities
Mesnička 23, 10000 Zagreb
ureduljppnm [dot] vlada [dot] hr (subject: Upit%20s%20weba) (ured[at]uljppnm[dot]vlada[dot]hr)
+385 1 4569324
Key competences: provides advices regarding discrimination of human rights based on ethnic originMinistry of the Interior
Ilica 335, 10000 Zagreb
pitanjamup [dot] hr (pitanja[at]mup[dot]hr)
+385 1 3788193
Key competences: provides advices regarding residenceMinistry of Justice
Ulica grada Vukovara 49, 10000 Zagreb
pitanjapravosudje [dot] hr (pitanja[at]pravosudje[dot]hr)
+385 1 3714000
Key competences: provides advices on free legal aidMinistry of Science & Education
Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb
visokoobrazovanjemzos [dot] hr (visokoobrazovanje[at]mzos[dot]hr)
odgojiobrazovanjemzos [dot] hr (odgojiobrazovanje[at]mzos[dot]hr)
+ 385 1 4594352 or +385 1 4594478
Key competences: provides advices regarding education and trainingMinistry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy
Trg Nevenke Topalušić 1, 10000 Zagreb
ministarstvomdomsp [dot] hr (ministarstvo[at]mdomsp[dot]hr)
+ 385 1 5557348
Key competences: provides advices on social benefitsCroatian Employment Service
Radnička cesta 1, 10000 Zagreb
hzzhzz [dot] hr (hzz[at]hzz[dot]hr)
+385 1 6126069
Key competences: provides advices on active labour market policies and employmentMinistry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance
Lordou Vyronos 7,
1463 Nicosia
administrationmlsi [dot] gov [dot] cy (administration[at]mlsi[dot]gov[dot]cy)
Other bodies acting as Contact Points
Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance
Department of Labour
Lordou Vyronos 7,
1480 Nicosia
directordl [dot] mlsi [dot] gov [dot] cy (director[at]dl[dot]mlsi[dot]gov[dot]cy)
Public Defender of Rights
Údolní 39, 602 00
Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 542 542 111
Fax: (+420) 542 542 112
E-mail: podatelnaochrance [dot] cz (podatelna[at]ochrance[dot]cz)
Website: http://www.ochrance.czDanish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment
PO box 2000
DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark
E-mail: ContactPointDenmarkstar [dot] dk (ContactPointDenmark[at]star[dot]dk)
Information: and icitizen.dkGender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner
Endla 10a, 10142 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 626 9059
Email: infosvv [dot] ee (info[at]svv[dot]ee)
EURES Coordination Office
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
P.O. Box 32, FI-00023
Tel. +358 29 516001
Fax +358 9 1606 2160
kirjaamotem [dot] fi (kirjaamo[at]tem[dot]fi)
(general cooperation issues and equality in working life)Non- discrimination Ombudsman
P.O.Box 24, FI-00023
Tel. +358 29 5666817
Fax. +358 29 5666829
yvvoikeus [dot] fi (yvv[at]oikeus[dot]fi)
(equality issues)Le Defenseur des droits
7 rue Saint- Florentin
F-75409 Paris Cedex 08
Tel. 00 33 9 69 39 00 00
communicationdefenseurdesdroits [dot] fr (communication[at]defenseurdesdroits[dot]fr)
Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Workers
Task Force of the Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration
10179 Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: infoeu-gleichbehandlungsstelle [dot] de (info[at]eu-gleichbehandlungsstelle[dot]de)
Internet: Greek Ombudsman
17 Halkokondyli Str.
104 32 Athens, Greece
Tel: (+30) 213 1306 600Fax: (+30) 213 1306 800(+30) 210 7292 129
presssynigoros [dot] gr (press[at]synigoros[dot]gr)
Ministry For National Economy
EURES National Coordination Office
József nádor tér 2-4, 1051 Budapest
PO box: 1369 Budapest, Pf. 481.
Tel: +36 (1) 8963409 [dot] gov [dot] hu (eures[at]ngm[dot]gov[dot]hu)
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
16-22 Green Street
Dublin 7
D07 CR20
Lo-call: 1 890 245545
Tel: + 353 (0) 1 8589601
Fax: + 353 (0) 1 8589609
Email: infoihrec [dot] ie (info[at]ihrec[dot]ie)
National office against racial discrimination
(Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali)
Via della Ferratella in Laterano, 51 – 00184 Roma
Tel: 06 6779 2267
Fax : 06 6779 2272
Email: unarunar [dot] it (unar[at]unar[dot]it)
State Employment Agency
K.Valdemara iela 38 k-1, Riga, LV – 1010
Phone 371 67021706,
Fax 371 67021806,
E-mail nvanva [dot] gov [dot] lv (nva[at]nva[dot]gov[dot]lv)
Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson
Seimyniskiu str. 1a, LT-09312 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 2727719
Fax. +370 5 2612725
E-mail: lygybelygybe [dot] lt (lygybe[at]lygybe[dot]lt)
Lithuanian Labour Exchange
Under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour
EURES National Coordination Office
Geležinio Vilko St. 3A LT-03131 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. +37052137588
Fax. +37052745883
E-mail: ginta [dot] aliseviciuteldb [dot] lt (ginta[dot]aliseviciute[at]ldb[dot]lt)
(provides information on the rules of free movement of workers)The Centre for Equal Treatment
(Le Centre pour l’égalité de traitement, CET)
65, Route d'Arlon
L-1140 Luxembourg
Tél.: (+352) 28 37 36 35
E-mail: infocet [dot] lu (info[at]cet[dot]lu)
National Commission for the promotion of Equality
Gattard House
National Road
Blata l-Bajda HMR 9010, Malta
Telephone: (+356) 2590 3850
Fax: (+356) 2590 3851
E-mail: equalitygov [dot] mt (equality[at]gov[dot]mt)
Ministry of Social affairs and Employment
All information on rights and obligations can be found on this central website.
If you cannot find the answer to your question on this website, please fill in the contact form.Other bodies acting as Contact Points
The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
College Rechten voor de Mens
Postbus 16001, 3500 DA Utrecht
+31 30 888 38 88
Kleinesingel 1-3, 3572 CG Utrecht
Key competences: the Institute explains, monitors and protects human rights, promotes respect for human rights (including equal treatment) in practice, policy and legislation, and increases the awareness of human rights in the NetherlandsThe Legal Desk
Juridisch loket
Key competences: 30 offices give assistance on legal questions free of chargeNationale Ombudsman
Tel +31 70 356 35 63
Postbus 93122, 2509 AC Den Haag
Bezuidenhoutseweg 151, 2594 AG Den Haag
Key competences: the Institution is by law empowered to scrutinize the manner in which public sector authorities fulfil their statutory responsibilitiesNederlandse Arbeidsinspectie
PO Box 90801, 2509 LV Den HaagTel 0800 - 5151 (when calling from the Netherlands)
Tel +31 70 - 333 56 72 (when calling from abroad)
Key competences: Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie works for fair, healthy and safe working conditions and socio-economic securityAntidiscriminatiebureau
infodiscriminatie [dot] nl (subject: Medling) (info[at]discriminatie[dot]nl)
Key competences: each municipality is required by law to set up an accessible, independent facility where citizens can lodge complaints about discriminationMinistry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology
Labour Market Department00-507 Warsaw ul. Pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5
Tel. +48 22 461 64 00
Fax: +48 22 461 64 01
Email: fmw_contactpointmrpips [dot] gov [dot] pl (fmw_contactpoint[at]mrpips[dot]gov[dot]pl)
(national contact point, commissioning independent surveys, ensuring publication of independent reports, recommendations and information)Other bodies acting as Contact Points
Chief Labour Inspectorate
02-315 Warszawa, ul. Barska 28/30
Tel. + 48 22 391 82 15
Fax. + 48 22 391 82 14
E-mail: kancelariagip [dot] pip [dot] gov [dot] pl (kancelaria[at]gip[dot]pip[dot]gov[dot]pl)
(providing independent legal assistance)Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society and Equal Treatment
00-583 Warszawa, Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
Tel. + 48 22 694 75 29
Fax + 48 22 694 72 34
E-mail: sekretariat_WKkprm [dot] gov [dot] pl
(promotion of equal treatment)The High Commission for Migration
Av. Infante Santo, nº 42 - 3º
1350-179 Lisboa
Tel. 00 351 21 810 61 00
E-mail: pedro [dot] caladoacm [dot] gov [dot] pt (pedro[dot]calado[at]acm[dot]gov[dot]pt) and cristina [dot] casas
acm [dot] gov [dot] pt (cristina[dot]casas[at]acm[dot]gov[dot]pt)
Website: Council for Combating Discrimination
Str Valter Mărăcineanu, nr 1-3, sector 1
010155, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: + 4021 312 65 78
Fax: + 4021 312 65 85
supportcncd [dot] org [dot] ro (support[at]cncd[dot]org[dot]ro)
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Department
Špitálska 4, 6, 8
816 43 Bratislava
tel.: 02/ 2046 1812
olga [dot] pietruchovaemployment [dot] gov [dot] sk (olga[dot]pietruchova[at]employment[dot]gov[dot]sk)
Employment service of Slovenia
Rožna dolina, Cesta IX/6, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 47 90 900
Fax: +386 1 47 90 262
E-mail: gpzrszess [dot] gov [dot] si (gpzrsz[at]ess[dot]gov[dot]si)
Other bodies acting as Contact Points
Advocate of the Principle of Equality
Železna cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 473 55 31
E-mail: infozagovornik-rs [dot] si (info[at]zagovornik-rs[dot]si)
Secretary of State for Migrations
Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations
National Body for the Free Movement of WorkersC/. José Abascal, 39 -1ª Planta
28003 Madrid, Spain
E-mail: lctuemeyss [dot] es (lctue[at]meyss[dot]es)
WebsiteNational Board of Trade
P.O. Box 6803, s-113 86
Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Drottninggatan 89
Phone: +46-8-690 48 00
Fax: +46-8-30 67 59
E-mail: registratorkommers [dot] se (registrator[at]kommers[dot]se)