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The Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for and sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience in November 2020 recommends that Quality Assurance National Reference Points (EQAVET NRPs) are in place to bring together relevant stakeholders at national and regional levels to:

  • Take concrete initiatives to implement and further develop the EQAVET framework
  • Inform and mobilise a range of stakeholders, including Centres of Vocational Excellence, to contribute to implementing the EQAVET framework
  • Support self-evaluation as a complementary and effective means of quality assurance to allow the measurement of success and the identification of areas for improvement, including digital readiness of VET systems and institutions
  • Actively participate in the EQAVET network
  • Provide an updated description of the national quality assurance arrangements based on the EQAVET framework
  • Engage in EU level peer reviews of quality assurance to enhance the transparency and consistency of quality assurance arrangements and reinforce trust between Member States.

Below you can find more information and the contact details on each country’s EQAVET NRPs and where you can find information on quality assurance.

EQAVET National Reference Points

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): OeAD | RQB - Austrian Reference Point for Quality Assurance in General and Vocational Education and Training
    EQAVET NRP website (in German)

    Contact details:

    Name: Franz Gramlinger (NRP coordinator)
    Email: Franz [dot] Gramlingeratoead [dot] at (Franz[dot]Gramlinger[at]oead[dot]at)
    Telephone number: +43 1 53408-300

    Country factsheet

  • Belgium (Flanders) 

    Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Agency for Higher Education, Adult Education, Qualifications and Study Grants (AHOVOKS) 
    EQAVET NRP website (in Dutch) 

    Contact details:  
    Name: Ingrid Vanhoren (NRP coordinator) 
    Email: ingrid [dot] vanhorenatond [dot] vlaanderen [dot] be (ingrid[dot]vanhoren[at]ond[dot]vlaanderen[dot]be) 
    Country factsheet 

    Belgium (Wallonia - Brussels) 

    Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Agency Education-Formation Europe
    EQAVET NRP website (in French)

    Contact details:
    Name: Adeline Brion (NRP coordinator)
    Email: adeline [dot] brionataef-europe [dot] be (adeline[dot]brion[at]aef-europe[dot]be) 
    Telephone number: +32 495 38 46 38
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the national reference point: Ministry of Education and Science (MES)
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education

    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Name: Nino Buić (NRP Coordinator)

    Email: nino [dot] buicatasoo [dot] hr (nino[dot]buic[at]asoo[dot]hr)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Name: Georgios Yiangou (NRP coordinator)
    Name: Ms Daphne Symeonidou (country representative)
    Email: circulartechatschools [dot] ac [dot] cy (circulartech[at]schools[dot]ac[dot]cy)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic
    EQAVET NRP website (in Czech)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Agency for Education and Quality
    EQAVET NRP website (in Danish)

    Contact details:

    Name: Jørgen Theibel Oestergaard (NRP coordinator)
    Email: Joergen [dot] Theibel [dot] Oestergaardatstukuvm [dot] dk (Joergen.Theibel.Oestergaard@stukuvm.d)
    Name: Torben Schuster (country representative)
    Email: torben [dot] schusteratuvm [dot] dk (torben[dot]schuster[at]uvm[dot]dk)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): The Education and Youth Board
    EQAVET NRP website (in English) 

    Contact details

    Email: infoatharno [dot] ee (info[at]harno[dot]ee)   

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Finnish National Board of Education
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Name: Kati Lounema (NRP coordinator)
    Telephone Number: +358 29 5331 262

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): France compétences

    EQAVET NRP website (in French)

    Contact details:

    Name: Elena Altukhova (NRP coordinator)

    Email: internationalatfrancecompetences [dot] fr (international[at]francecompetences[dot]fr)

    Telephone Number: +33 9 71 16 64 80

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

    Contact details:

    Name: Helena Sabbagh (NRP coordinator)

    Email: sabbaghatbibb [dot] de (sabbagh[at]bibb[dot]de)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)

    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Name: Antonios Glaros (NRP coordinator)

    Name: Konstantinos Papaefstathiou (NRP coordinator substitute)

    Telephone Number: +30 210 27 09 066

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): The National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education (NIVE)
    EQAVET NRP website (in Hungarian)

    Contact details:
    Email: eqavetatnive [dot] hu (eqavet[at]nive[dot]hu)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Telephone Number: +353 1 905 8100
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP)
    EQAVET NRP website (in Italian)

    Contact details:
    Name: Mrs Laura Evangelista, National Coordinator of the NRP EQAVET Italy
    Email: rpnqualitaatinapp [dot] gov [dot] it (rpnqualita[at]inapp[dot]gov[dot]it) 

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): State Education Quality Service
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Name: Agija Reča-Danga (NRP coordinator)
    Email: ikvdatikvd [dot] gov [dot] lv (ikvd[at]ikvd[dot]gov[dot]lv)
    Telephone Number: +371 28677572

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Email: infoatkpmpc [dot] lt (info[at]kpmpc[dot]lt)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): DG VET - Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Name: Diana Reiners (NRP coordinator)
    Email: diana [dot] reinersatmen [dot] lu (diana[dot]reiners[at]men[dot]lu)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA)
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Email: infoatmfhea [dot] mt (info[at]mfhea[dot]mt)
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the national reference point: International Research, Project Management and Consultancy Enterprise (CINOP)
    EQAVET NRP website (in Dutch)

    Contact details:

    Emailinfoatncpeqavet [dot] nl (info[at]ncpeqavet[dot]nl) 
    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Centre for Education Development
    Contact details:

    Email:sekretariatatore [dot] edu [dot] pl (sekretariat[at]ore[dot]edu[dot]pl)
    Telephone Number: +48 0-22 345 37 00

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): National Agency for Qualification and VET (ANQEP)
    EQAVET NRP website (in Portuguese)

    Contact details:

    Email: garantia [dot] qualidadeatanqep [dot] gov [dot] pt (garantia[dot]qualidade[at]anqep[dot]gov[dot]pt)
    Name: António Correia
    Email:antonio [dot] correiaatanqep [dot] gov [dot] pt (antonio[dot]correia[at]anqep[dot]gov[dot]pt)
    Name: Isabel Marques
    Email:isabel [dot] marquesatanqep [dot] gov [dot] pt (isabel[dot]marques[at]anqep[dot]gov[dot]pt)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): National Centre for TVET Development

    EQAVET NRP website (in Romanian)

    Contact details:

    Email:registratura [dot] cndiptatgmail [dot] com (registratura[dot]cndipt[at]gmail[dot]com)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): State Vocational Education Institute

    EQAVET NRP website (in Slovakian)

    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Email:eqavetatsiov [dot] sk (eqavet[at]siov[dot]sk)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training

    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:

    Email:infoatcpi [dot] si (info[at]cpi[dot]si)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP):

    S.G. for Guidance and Lifelong Learning

    General Secretariat for Vocational Training 

    Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

    Contact details:

    Email:eqavet [dot] spainateducacion [dot] gob [dot] es (eqavet[dot]spain[at]educacion[dot]gob[dot]es)

    Country factsheet

  • Name of the EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Swedish National Agency for Education (MFHEA)

    Contact details:
    Email: eqavetatskolverket [dot] se (eqavet[at]skolverket[dot]se)
    Country factsheet

Non EU countries

  • Albania flag

    Name of the national reference point: National Agency of Vocational Education, Training and Qualifications
    EQAVET NRP website (in Albanian)
    Contact details:
    Email:info [dot] akafpatakafp [dot] gov [dot] al (info[dot]akafp[at]akafp[dot]gov[dot]al)

  • Iceland flag

    Name of the national reference point: Directorate of Education - Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

  • Montenegro flag

    Name of the national reference point: Ministry of Education
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)

    Contact details:
    Email: kabinetatmpnks [dot] gov [dot] me (kabinet[at]mpnks[dot]gov[dot]me)Telephone Number: +382 20 410 100
    Name: Ivan Marković (NRP coordinator)
    Email: ivan [dot] markovicatcso [dot] gov [dot] me (ivan[dot]markovic[at]cso[dot]gov[dot]me)
    Name: Vladislav Koprivica (NRP coordinator substitute)
    Email: vlado [dot] koprivicaatcso [dot] gov [dot] me (vlado[dot]koprivica[at]cso[dot]gov[dot]me)

  • Norway flag

    Name of the national reference point: The Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training
    EQAVET NRP website (in English)
    Contact details:
    Email:postatudir [dot] no (post[at]udir[dot]no)

  • Serbia flag

    Name of the national reference point: Ministry of education, science and technological development

    Contact details:
    Email: nrtsrbijaatmpn [dot] gov [dot] rs (nrtsrbija[at]mpn[dot]gov[dot]rs)
    Name: Radovan Zivkovic (NRP Coordinator)
    Email:radovan [dot] zivkovicatmpn [dot] gov [dot] rs (radovan[dot]zivkovic[at]mpn[dot]gov[dot]rs)

  • Turkey flag

    Name of the national reference point: Department of Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Development
    EQAVET NRP website (in Turkish)
    Contact details:
    Email: mte_kaliteatmeb [dot] gov [dot] tr (mte_kalite[at]meb[dot]gov[dot]tr)

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