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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

EAfA toolkits

All facts and figures displayed are constantly updated and provide a snapshot of the achievements of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) to date.

What are EAfA toolkits?

The EAfA toolkits represent a new online resource providing advice and steps designed to support individuals and stakeholders to implement, improve, and assess a measure, activity, action, or programme.

More specifically, EAfA toolkits aim to:

  • increase knowledge of key aspects of quality apprenticeships among EAfA members and the broader community of stakeholders involved in VET and work-based learning;
  • contribute to the improved implementation of quality apprenticeships and promote increased coherence in approaches across the EU;
  • provide concrete and tailored guidance on specific issues related to quality apprenticeships, directly responding to the particular needs of different stakeholders;
  • encourage mutual and peer learning, including through the promotion of good practices on selected issues.

Check out the EAfA toolkits!

The first two EAfA toolkits are:

  • EAfA Toolkit on the mobility of apprentices: This toolkit aims to help apprentices, VET providers, and companies to gain a better understanding of mobility, and provide step-by-step advice on how to maximise benefits and avoid pitfalls across the three main stages of mobility: initiation, implementation, and integration. Two versions of the toolkit are available:
  • EAfA Toolkit on digital skills in apprenticeships: This toolkit supports VET providers and companies to integrate digital skills in apprenticeships by offering guidance on planning and assessing digital skills needs to learning pathways, building internal capacity for digital skills, and designing and implementing programmes integrating relevant technologies and tools. The toolkit can be downloaded here



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