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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
February 2025Flexible retirement pathways
November 2024Access for domestic workers to labour and social protection
September 2023Access for children in need to the key services covered by the European Child Guarantee
January 2023Making access to social protection for workers and the self-employed more transparent through information and simplification
December 2022Social protection for people with disabilities
June 2022National monitoring framework for public social spending
April 2022Access to social protection for young people
July 2021Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis
September 2020Long-term care for older people in EU Member States: The contributions of the 27 EU’s ESPN Country Teams are not available as separate reports. They have fed into Volume II of the 2021 EU Long-term Care Report. ESPN Thematic Reports on long-term care in the 8 non-EU countries covered by the ESPN can be downloaded here: ESPN reports on long-term care for older people (non-EU countries)
September 2020Pension adequacy in EU Member States: The contributions of the 27 EU’s ESPN Country Teams are not available as separate reports. They have fed into Volume II of the 2021 EU Pension Adequacy Report. ESPN Thematic Reports on pension adequacy in the 8 non-EU countries covered by the ESPN can be downloaded here: ESPN assessment of pension adequacy (non-EU countries)
February 2020Access to essential services for low-income people
February 2019Financing social protection
May 2019National strategies to fight homelessness and housing exclusion
December 2018In-work poverty
June 2018Inequalities in access to healthcare
February 2018Challenges in long-term care
November 2017Pension adequacy in EU Member States: The contributions of the 28 EU’s ESPN Country Teams are not available as separate reports. They have fed into Volume II of the 2018 EU Pension Adequacy Report. ESPN Thematic Reports on pension adequacy in the 7 non-EU countries covered by the ESPN can be downloaded here: ESPN assessment of pension adequacy (non-EU countries)
June 2017Progress in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on “Investing in children
May 2016Retirement regimes for workers in arduous or hazardous jobs
February 2016Work-life balance measures for persons of working age with dependent relatives
October 2015Minimum income schemes
May 2015Long-term unemployment