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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Analytical support and exchange of information in social protection and inclusion - Synthesis Reports

February 2025Flexible retirement pathways: An analysis of policies in 28 European countriesSlavina Spasova, Thibaud Deruelle and Federico Airoldi
November 2024Access for domestic workers to labour and social protection: An analysis of policies in 34 European countriesDalila Ghailani, Eric Marlier, Isabel Baptista, Thibaud Deruelle, Ilda Duri, Anne-Catherine Guio, Korina Kominou, Pedro Perista and Slavina Spasova
September 2023Access for children in need to the key services covered by the European Child GuaranteeIsabel Baptista, Anne-Catherine Guio, Eric Marlier and Pedro Perista
January 2023Making access to social protection for workers and the self-employed more transparent through information and simplification: An analysis of policies in 35 countriesSlavina Spasova, Angelina Atanasova, Sebastiano Sabato and Federico Moja
December 2022Social protection for people with disabilities – An analysis of policies in 35 countriesIsabel Baptista and Eric Marlier
July 2022National monitoring frameworks for public social spending - An analysis of policies in 35 countriesS. Spasova, A. Atanasova and P. Regazzoni 
April 2022Access to social protection for young people. An analysis of policies in 35 countriesD. Ghailani, R. Peña-Casas, S. Coster and P. Regazzoni
September 2021Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis. An analysis of policies in 35 countriesI. Baptista, E. Marlier, S. Spasova, R. Peña-Casas, B. Fronteddu, D. Ghailani, S. Sabato and P. Regazzoni
June 2020Access to essential services for people on low incomes in Europe: An analysis of policies in 35 countriesIsabel Baptista and Eric Marlier
October 2019Social protection expenditure and its financing in Europe: A study of national policiesSlavina Spasova and Terry Ward
September 2019Fighting homelessness and housing exclusion in Europe: A study of national policies (2019)Isabel Baptista and Eric Marlier
March 2019In-work poverty in Europe: A study of national policies (2019)R. Peña-Casas, D. Ghailani, S. Spasova and B. Vanhercke
November 2018Inequalities in access to healthcare - A study of national policies (2018)R. Baeten, S. Spasova, B. Vanhercke and S. Coster
August 2018Challenges in long-term care in Europe - A study of national policies (2018)S. Spasova, R. Baeten, S. Coster, D. Ghailani,
R. Peña-Casas and B. Vanhercke

July 2017


Progress across Europe in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on ‘Investing in children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage’ - A study of national policiesHugh Frazer and Eric Marlier
April 2017Access to social protection for people working on non-standard contracts and as self-employed in Europe - A study of national policies 

Check-out the ESPN reports on access to social protection, country by country.
Slavina Spasova, Denis Bouget, Dalila Ghailani & Bart Vanhercke
July 2016Retirement regimes for workers in arduous or hazardous jobs in Europe - A study of national policiesDavid Natali, Slavina Spasova and Bart Vanhercke
June 2016Work-life balance measures for persons of working age with dependent relatives in Europe - A study of national policiesDenis Bouget, Slavina Spasova and Bart Vanhercke
January 2016Minimum Income Schemes in Europe - A study of national policiesHugh Frazer and Eric Marlier
June 2015Integrated support for the long-term unemployed in Europe - A study of national policies  Denis Bouget, Hugh Frazer and Eric Marlier, Ramón Peña-Casas
April 2015Social Investment in Europe - A study of national policiesDenis Bouget, Hugh Frazer, Eric Marlier, Sebastiano Sabato and Bart Vanhercke