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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Analytical support and exchange of information in social protection and inclusion

The European Commission cooperates with a network of independent experts (ESPAN) and a network of national delegates (MISSOC) to follow policy developments and facilitate exchange of information in the areas of social protection and social inclusion, in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) 

The Commission uses the support provided by the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) to inform its analysis of policies on social protection (such as pensions, long-term care, access to social protection for all types of activity status) and social inclusion (such as inequalities, active inclusion, child poverty and child well-being, access to essential services, homelessness, etc.) in the 27 EU Member States, (potential) candidate countries as well as Iceland and Norway.

The ESPAN produces Thematic Reports (Country and Synthesis Reports).

Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection (MISSOC)

The MISSOC (Mutual Information Systems on Social Protection) network of national delegates, whose members are appointed by the authorities of participating countries (EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries), ensures exchange of information on national social protection systems by preparing comparative legislative tables (addressed mainly to professional users) and social security guides for the general public.

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