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Publications (199)
The report highlights the flexibility and effectiveness of CLLD in promoting integrated, community-driven development solutions across different contexts and EU funding streams.
This brochure outlines this vision and the importance of VET reforms at national level, including key principles and actions to support these reforms. It also looks at the EU initiatives leading the way and the assistance available to Member States in this area.
The European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) was established in May 2014 to enhance the co-operation between PES in Europe. The seventh Annual Report covers activities from January to December 2021
The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) research note examines the medium- and long-term impact of early childhood education and care (ECEC) provision on education and labour market outcomes for children and parents, as well as the indicators employed for these measurements.
This report analyses the legal status and rights of the family members of EU mobile citizens in general and workers in particular. It describes the legal regime applicable to family members, whilst also highlighting some remaining issues.
This external study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the supply structure in the market for long-term services and examines a sample of 16 Member States with a focus on provider structures
This policy brief defines concepts of both the circular and social economy and describes the potential of the social economy to support circular activities and related business models and to reinforce uptake of circularity in our economies and societies
The guidelines were adopted by the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work in line with its Opinion on the modernisation of six OSH directives to ensure healthier and safer work for all.
The December 2021 quarterly review provides a broad overview of the main economic and social developments and focuses on quarterly labour market transitions to employment, unemployment and inactivity in 2020.