- Publication date
- 6 November 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
ESDE quarterly reviews periodically provide an overview of recent social and labour market developments in the EU, accompanied by specific thematic analyses.
In this quarterly edition, the thematic focus explores the interplay between health status and labour market and social outcomes. It underscores the necessity to continue supporting and promoting the inclusion and well-being of people with health issues, a priority of the EU.
The analysis reveals that people with health issues and persons with disabilities have lower chances of employment and higher probability of being unemployed, they are more likely to be at risk of poverty and experience lower well-being. The strong interlinkages between the labour market and social dimensions exacerbate the risk of adverse outcomes in multiple areas of life. In addition, the association with the health status further emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to mitigate these negative impacts, with affordability of healthcare being a key challenge.
The review also highlights the potential benefits of promoting inclusive labour market practices, affordable healthcare, and healthy longevity, which can support delivering on the EU employment and social targets and enhancing overall well-being.