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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
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Study on social services with particular focus on personal targeted social services for people in vulnerable situations


Publication date
12 May 2022


This report analyses the current situation in the area of social services across the EU Member States and strives to establish a common understanding of key terms and approaches in line with the European Commission’s emphasis on integrity, quality and equality with a view to supporting the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its Action Plan in delivering on their objectives. It aims to lay the foundations for a definition of social services that will support the European Commission in ensuring that social services can develop their full potential within the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The study also offers an overview of the take up of the Voluntary European Framework for Quality Social services and how social services can contribute towards the targets of the EPSR and its Action Plan, including suggestions for future developments.



  • 6 AUGUST 2024
Study on social services with particular focus on personal targeted social services for people in vulnerable situations