- Publication date
- 14 December 2023
The primary objective of this study was to elaborate on alternative policy options and legal instruments with a view to examining the possible introduction of a European Disability Card.
To this end, the study aimed at:
- defining and analysing the problem, including its drivers (causes), effects and possible evolution, and analysing the current legal basis and framework
- assessing the appropriateness of the possible instruments (Regulation, Directive, Recommendation) to put the initiative into practice, taking into account the subsidiarity principle, as well as their social, economic, environmental (the latter including climate impacts) and to the extent that this is proportionate, digital and fundamental rights impacts and other impacts as requested by the Better Regulation Guidelines and Toolbox, notably the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and competitiveness
- providing an assessment of the possible impacts of the EDC
The results of this study will support the Commission with the necessary evidence to analyse the problem and assess the potential impacts of different policy options concerning the scope and content of the initiative on the EDC.
This study is published in accessible format apart from Annex 6.
The easy-to-read English version of the Executive Summary and the Summary of the Synopsis Report will be added in the coming weeks before the end of 2023.

Executive summary: Study supporting the impact assessment of an EU initiative introducing the European Disability Card