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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 29 November 2017

European Employment Services (EURES)

European Employment Services (EURES)

EURES, helps citizens and companies of the EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland benefit from one of the four founding principles of the EU, the free movement of workers.

EURES is a European cooperation network between the European Commission, the European Labour Authority (ELA), the national public and other admitted employment services in all the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. EURES facilitates the free movement of workers by providing information and employment support services to workers and employers, and by enhancing cooperation and information exchange between its member organisations.

The Eures network consists of coordination offices (both European and national) and designated public employment services in each EU country, each with their own specific responsibilities. Other actors, such as social partners or private companies can also join the network as Members or Partners.

Since 2021, the EURES coordination office is managed by the European Labour Authority.

The main goals of EURES are :

  • to improve transparency and  information on job opportunities as well as living and working conditions across borders 
  • to provide assistance for job placements and recruitment across borders
  • to facilitate cooperation between its member organisations and with stakeholders

EURES provides two main services:

  • network of close to 1000 EURES advisers active in 31 countries, providing online and in-person services on labour mobility in the EU, and assistance for recruitment and job placements. EURES staff is also present in cross-border regions, providing information to cross-border workers and employers on issues such as social security, insurance or taxation.
  • The EURES Job Mobility Portal offers job vacancies available through EURES members and partners, providing recruitment resources for job seekers and employers.

EURES also offers:

  • Targeted Mobility schemes assisting recruitment in specific sectors or countries, or supporting specific groups of workers
  • European Job Days, online recruitment events that bring jobseekers and employers together.

EU Legislation

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/589 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets, and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013
  • Regulation (EU) 2019/1149 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 establishing a European Labour Authority, amending Regulations (EC) No 883/2004, (EU) No 492/2011, and (EU) 2016/589 and repealing Decision (EU) 2016/344

More information

Visit the the EURES page on the website of the European Labour Authority.