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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 31 August 2023
  • 2 min read

EAfA Member Spotlight: Community Development Institute – Macedonia (CDI Macedonia)

There is plenty to gain by becoming a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) and making a pledge! The EAfA Member Spotlight is a series of interview articles that highlight the hard work of Alliance members and how their pledges contribute to supporting quality and effective apprenticeships.

In this article, we shine the spotlight on Community Development Institute Macedonia (CDI Macedonia) and ask them to tell us more about their EAfA membership. CDI is a national umbrella association for sustainable development, education and social services. 

How did you first hear about EAfA, and why did you decide to submit a pledge? 

CDI Macedonia first heard about EAfA from networks on LinkedIn. It was interesting, and vital to bring the topic of apprenticeships to Macedonian entities closer – although apprenticeships are still a new initiative in Macedonia and our participation in EAfA helps to clarify questions and learn what is relevant for apprenticeships at a national level.  

Can you provide a short overview of your pledge and which EAfA objectives it relates to? 

CDI Macedonia has pledged to increase the supply of apprenticeships, improve the quality and promote the mobility of apprenticeships. We aim to create around additional five apprenticeship places (with both CDI Macedonia and our member organisations) for various target groups such as students, disadvantaged groups, NEETs (those Not in Education, Employment or Training) and others.  

We will work with chambers and other relevant stakeholders to increase the supply of apprenticeships. In addition, we will create an online campaign using social networks as well as info sessions with their member organisations at national level. 

Since submitting a pledge, what EAfA-organised activities has CDI Macedonia undertaken to achieve the EAfA objectives in their pledge? 

We have worked on raising awareness on the importance of apprenticeships, increasing our participation in Erasmus-funded projects on apprenticeships to see the models in other countries, and initiated a collaboration with two chambers of commerce in Macedonia on apprenticeships.   

How has CDI Macedonia contributed to EAfA activities? 

CDI Macedonia has actively contributed by participating at events, sharing knowledge and experience, and exchanging with other partners within EAFA. 

What type of apprenticeships does CDI Macedonia offer? 

Currently, the apprenticeships offered by CDI Macedonia are in vocational education and training (graphic design, computer numerical control operator), as well as in project cycle management and management of non-profit organisations. The apprenticeships path usually lasts 1 year and takes place at a company’s premise.  

For CDI Macedonia, what is the most important benefit of joining EAfA, and why? 

The possibility to exchange and network with other colleagues from EU Member States is important to us. Apprenticeships are a rather new topic for us and still not regulated in Macedonia, so it is important for us to see how it works in other countries and what the legal framework is.  

Why should other organisations join EAfA and submit a pledge?  

Apprenticeships are a great model to improve skills, and companies/entities also benefit from them. By submitting a pledge, organisations not only commit, but also motivate themselves and others to prioritise apprenticeships.   

Has CDI Macedonia’s story inspired you to learn more about submitting a EAfA pledge? Find out how you can start your journey to becoming a EAfA member on our EAfA Membership and Pledges webpage


Publication date
31 August 2023