Launched on 1 July 2020, the platform offers digital tools that support people to communicate their skills, qualifications, as well as professional and learning achievements. This free-of-cost digital service is available in 30 languages to anyone who wants to learn or work in Europe.
Europass is continuously improving by catering to user needs and adding new tools and features that will support its users better.
Since July 2020 Europass has had several improvements. Europass users can now:
- select different designs, colours, and structures with just a few clicks for CVs and cover letters
- receive and store their European Digital Credentials for learning in Europass
- take a digital skills test that will help them understand and assess their level of digital skills with a detailed report on the results and
- create, store and manage their different applications in their Europass account, offering a secure, personal digital space
Discover Europass and take the next step in your career.
- Publication date
- 1 July 2022