An alliance to rethink vocational education and training
EAfA was born in 2013 due to an urgent need to deal with unprecedented high youth unemployment rates. To tackle this issue, the European Council highlighted the need for Member States to increase the number of apprenticeships and traineeships to offer real opportunities for young people.
As a result, the European Council of 7-8 February 2013 formally invited the European Commission to establish EAfA.
On 2 July, EAfA was launched in the framework of WorldSkills Leipzig by Commissioners Vassiliou and Andor in Leipzig, with an event that gathered around 200 people. A first-ever joint declaration by the European social partners, the Lithuanian Presidency and the Commission was signed, as well as a number of pledges from businesses, chambers, VET providers and organisations. The declaration acknowledged the aims of the Alliance, recognising the value and benefits of apprenticeships for youth employment, social inclusion, skills matching and economic competitiveness.
In October 2013 the Council adopted a Declaration on the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and noted that the effectiveness and attractiveness of apprenticeship should be encouraged by their adherence to several common guiding principles.
No longer a second choice
As a multi-stakeholder platform, EAfA aims to strengthen the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships and enhance the mobility of apprentices in Europe through national commitments and voluntary pledges from stakeholders.
To improve the image of vocational training, including apprenticeships, the Commission organised a European Vocational Skills Week and launched the first EAfA Awards in December 2016.
EAfA helped increase interest in apprenticeships, with new members joining regularly.
In 2018, Erasmus Pro was launched as part of Erasmus+, to give further opportunities to apprentices through long-term placements in working environments in another country. Since 2018, apprenticeships with a work contract are also offered in EURES – the European job mobility portal. 2018 also saw the publication of the Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships, which provides a key framework of reference to assess and uphold the quality of apprenticeships.
New challenges, new solutions
In 2020, Commissioner Nicolas Schmit launched the renewed Alliance1 to boost apprenticeships across the EU, with a specific focus on six priorities. Some of these priorities include supporting small and medium-sized enterprises for quality and effective apprenticeships, cooperation through social dialogue and listening to apprentices’ voices. It also called for new commitments for digital and green apprenticeships, focusing on the economic sectors that will be on the frontline of the transition to a climate-neutral Europe.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges. Despite this difficult period, EAfA remained committed to providing quality apprenticeships to young people, creating over thousands of apprenticeship places between 2019 and 2020.
A bright and committed future
Since its launch in 2013, 39 countries have made national commitments, including 27 Member States, all EFTA countries, six candidate countries and two EAfA partner countries, showcasing EAfA’s commitment to the mobilisation of young people throughout Europe. The Alliance has created over 1 million apprenticeships and has received more than 400 individual pledges by VET providers, social partners, businesses, local public authorities, etc.
Since its inception, the Alliance has also brought about concrete change in its member countries, such as the recent reform of the adult apprenticeship system in Greece. This reform was influenced by the country’s participation in the Benchlearning process, spearheaded by EAfA, which allowed Member States to come together, discuss common challenges and good practices, and learn from each other.
As the Alliance celebrates a successful first decade of growth, it will continue to ensure VET remains at the forefront of Europe's future as we navigate the green and digital transitions.
Celebrating milestones
On 26-27 June 2023, EAfA members will come together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Alliance in a High-level event in Brussels. The event will also mark five years since the adoption of the Council's recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (EFQEA), as well as four years since the European Apprentices Network’s launch.
A Get Together event will be held on the afternoon of 27 June 2023, where members will have the opportunity to network, explore cooperation opportunities and share good practices with each other.
Members wishing to attend the event online can register here.
- Publication date
- 16 June 2023