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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 4 May 2022
  • 1 min read

European Pillar of Social Rights: now available in the “easy-to-read” format

The European Commission has published the easy-to-read version of the European Pillar for Social Rights and its Action Plan. Easy-to-read texts are designed to be understood by people with intellectual disabilities.

European Pillar for Social Rights and its Action Plan now in easy-to-read texts

When it comes to web accessibility, the European Commission strives to lead by example: that is why the Commission is proud to present the easy-to-read versions of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its Action Plan

Both are the compasses that guides our work in the fields of work, social affairs and inclusion.

What are easy-to-read texts?

Easy-to-read texts are designed to be understood by people with intellectual disabilities.

This is important so they can learn new things, make their own choices, know their rights and stand up for them. In other words, they empower them to take part in society.

To do so, easy-to-read texts respond to specific criteria related to structure, language and illustrations.

The easy-to-read versions of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its Action Plan were prepared by working together with easy-to-read experts and in close cooperation with the European Commission colleagues responsible for Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion.

Special thanks go to Inclus​ion Europe, which gave precious advice on the texts. Back in 2010, as part of an EU-funded project, Inclusion Europe established European guidelines on the easy-to-read format, together with its European partners.

We, at the European Commission, are committed to keep adding easy-to-read versions of our webpages in order to promote web accessibility for all.


Publication date
4 May 2022