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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 18 May 2022
  • 2 min read

Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Member States commit to tackling the employment and employability challenges of the mo

The fifth Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Ministerial on Employment and Labour, held on 17 and 18 May in Marrakech, Morocco, focused on “Employment and employability of the most vulnerable, especially among youth and women”.

UfM Member States discussed the most pressing labour market challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean region, in particular on how to ensure an inclusive, green, digital and sustainable recovery for all, and particularly for the most vulnerable.

Ministers reiterated their commitment to promote an economy that works for people through employment and social policies that respond to youth and gender-specific issues. The Ministers emphasised also the important role of women’s economic empowerment, with women being active drivers for the economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

The Ministers asked the UfM Regional Platform on Employment and Labour to present a Roadmap for Action 2022-2025, and support its implementation, in line with the objectives of the Ministerial Declaration. The roadmap should:

  • focus on young people who are not in employment, education or training
  • explore innovative options to make vocational education and training systems more modern, inclusive, attractive, flexible, labour market-relevant and fit for the digital and green transitions
  • promote the transition to formal employment for so-called “informal workers”, especially women, that often do not have employment contracts, lack important rights and adequate social protection
  • foster diversified and sustainable financing mechanisms to support education, training and employment policies
  • recognise the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation as a resilient model for more decent job creation that will also serve the most vulnerable
  • pay particular attention to well-functioning monitoring processes of employment and social policies for a better understanding of the impact of the policy actions notably on youth and women
  • encourage and further develop the use of so-called “Communities of Practice”, notably on youth employment, where national authorities can discuss and exchange on best practice

Jobs through Trade and Investment

On the occasion of the meeting in Marrakech, the EU launched the regional Team Europe Initiative (TEI) “Jobs through Trade and Investment” in the Southern Neighbourhood. This TEI will contribute to the implementation of the new agenda for the Mediterranean and its Economic and Investment Plan.

The EU, the participating EU Member States, their development agencies, as well as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will mobilise around €2.8 billion to promote innovative approaches for employment creation in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, by boosting sustainable trade and investment; vocational training and skills; and inclusive entrepreneurship.

Hub for Jobs, Trade and Investment

In addition, the event saw the launch of the UfM Hub for Jobs, Trade and Investment, financed by Germany and Spain. The new hub supports the UfM in its efforts to enhance and develop innovative approaches for regional cooperation in the areas of employment, trade and investment in the Mediterranean and will support and complement the objectives of the new Team Europe Initiative.


Publication date
18 May 2022