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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 7 November 2023
  • 1 min read

Watch the EQAVET webinar recording on Quality Assurance trends at VET Provider level

The EQAVET webinar, held on October 26 2023, delved into the evolving trends and developments in quality assurance at VET provider level


The event was part of the European Vocational Skills Week (VET Skills Week) 2023, within the broader context of the European Year of Skills which is taking place from 9 May 2023, to 8 May 2024.

The ninety-minute EQAVET webinar delved into emerging trends and developments in Quality Assurance (QA) at Vocational Education and Training (VET) provider level, offering valuable international insights into QA approaches and solutions from Member States experts. By watching the webinar, you can discover how QA at the provider level can create a quality culture and contribute to continuous development. Additionally, you can get an insight into the EQAVET framework and the importance of QA in ensuring the delivery of high-quality VET programmes.

You can access the EQAVET webinar recording by clicking here, and for a quick overview of the key findings, you can read the flash report here. Additionally, the webinar full report is available for access here.

The webinar was attended by around 130 participants, representing a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including ministries, national authorities for VET and higher education, VET providers and their associations, research institutions, trade unions, and employers.

EQAVET's Evolution and Key Findings

EQAVET, established in 2009, has evolved to enhance quality in vocational education and training (VET). The 2020 Council Recommendation on VET emphasised the role of EQAVET National Reference Points (NRPs) for self-evaluation in quality assurance, including digital readiness. A recent survey highlighted that accrediting VET providers is common in EU27 countries, underscoring their pivotal role in quality assurance.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

Participants highlighted several learning points related to QA at the VET provider level. These included the benefits of an EU QA framework, the importance of ongoing progress and alignment with national VET systems, and the inclusion of outcome-based indicators that focus on labour market demands.

In conclusion, the EQAVET webinar showcased the adaptability of the EQAVET framework, which allows countries to align their approaches and indicators with their unique national contexts. The event demonstrated alignment between self-assessments and external assessments and the variety of data collection and analysis methods enabled by the EQAVET framework.


Publication date
7 November 2023