The Indicators Group (IG) of the Employment Committee was set up in 2000 to:
- develop indicators and methodologies to monitor countries’ progress in implementing the European Employment Strategy and Council Recommendations on labour market issues
- support the surveillance and stock taking capacities of EMCO through the monitoring, description, and analysis of relevant policy issues.
- work with the Commission on benchmarking proposals and on the Joint Assessment Framework in order to contribute to the analysis underpinning work on the European Semester
The IG:
- is composed of national experts in the fields of employment and labour market indicators from each EU country and the European Commission
- is supported by the Commission’s policy analysts and statisticians.
- draws on relevant work by International Organisations and academic expertise, studies and specific contributions.
The IG Bureau includes: Maria MOUNTAKI (IG Chair), the Secretariat and Commission representative(s).
The IG Secretariat is provided by the Commission.
If you have questions about the EMCO Indicators Group, EMPL-EMCOec [dot] europa [dot] eu (please contact the Secretariat).