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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Social partners

Social dialogue in this sector covers

  • wired, satellite and other telecommunications activities; maintenance of the network - NACE (Rev. 2) class 61
  • software publishing - NACE 58.21 and 58.29 
  • computer programming, consultancy and related activities - NACE 62
  • data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals - NACE 63.1
  • repair of computers and communication equipment - NACE 95.1.

Over 1.1 million people work in the EU telecommunications sector (NACE 61) in around 43,000 businesses (Eurostat, Labour Force Survey data 2014).

Market liberalisation and technological change have transformed the industry. It is now a diverse service sector that includes voice and data transmission, internet and mobile services.

Challenges include innovation and increasing competition.

The restructuring of the sector has led to a decline in overall employment and reduced the need for traditional skills (e.g. network maintenance and repair).

There is also demand for new skills, such as computer and electronic engineering, marketing and finance skills.

Workers' organisations

Employers' organisations

Key areas

The Committee is currently focusing on:

  • healthsafety and quality of life at work – follow-up on 'Good Work – Good Health' guidelines
  • future skills and training needs (including gender diversity, e. in the ICT sector)
  • digitisation and impact on culture, work and management (e.g. new technologies, working from home)
  • quality of services and work
  • economic performance.

The social partners are also involved in 2 joint projects:

1. Filling the future ICT skills gap in the telecommunications sector (FITS).

2. Promoting social dialogue and cooperation between social partners in the ICT sector.

Activities and meetings

Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database