- Call 112
- Call 808 24 24 24 (SNS 24 – Centro de Contacto)
- You can go directly to
- public health centres (Centros de Saúde)
- round-the-clock services (Serviços de Atendimento Permanente)
- hospitals (in an emergency)
- National Health Service website (in Portuguese and English)
Treatment, coverage & costs
Doctors / Dentists / Hospital treatment
- Public healthcare is generally provided free of charge. In some cases, however, a standard fee may be payable in hospital emergency, when the patients have not been referred by a primary health care unit or by the National Health Service contact line (SNS 24).
- There is a limited number of public dental services, and a standard fee must be paid according to the treatment. Basic dental treatment is available to certain eligible groups, including children, partially supported by the National Oral Health Promotion Programme. This programme only applies to residents who are beneficiaries of the National Health Service.
- Part of the cost of medicines listed in the “Official List of Medicines Subsidised by the Health Services” is covered by the state. You will have to pay the rest upfront. The proportion varies between 10% and 85% of the price.
- Pharmacies are usually open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 13:00, and 15:00 to 19:00. On Saturdays they are open from 9:00 to 13:00.
- Lists of pharmacies providing 24-hour service are available at any pharmacy and online on Infarmed.pt (in Portuguese)
- Ambulance transport in an emergency situation is included in the provision of care, as it is supported by the treating hospital. Non-urgent patient transportation is also available, and can be used in certain situations, such as when traveling from the place of stay to the unit where the patient will have a haemodialysis session or when the patient does not have alternative means of transportation.
Air ambulance
- No information available.
- You cannot obtain reimbursement during your stay in Portugal.
- If you have to pay for your care, contact your national health insurance to claim reimbursement once you return home.
Patient contribution
- Healthcare under the Portuguese National Health Service (NHS) is usually free, though you may be required to pay a standard fee in hospital emergency, when the patients have not been referred by a primary health care unit or by the National Health Service contact line (SNS 24).
- Children up to the age of 18 and pregnant women are exempt. Certain other exceptions are also made.
Dialysis, oxygen & chemotherapy
- These treatments must be arranged before the travel and between the insured person and the hospital/unit providing the treatment, in order to ensure that the treatment is available during the insured person’s stay in Portugal.
- A prescription or medical report confirming the chronic disease is required.
How do I apply for an EHIC?
- Information on how to apply for an EHIC (in English)
- Practical Guide on EHIC (in English)
- EHIC online request (in Portuguese) for persons registered with direct social security “Segurança Social Direta” (you need a login and password and a Portuguese social security identification number)
Doctors & hospitals accepting the EHIC
- Public Healthcare Providers for the National Health System (in Portuguese)
- Private Healthcare Providers with agreement with the National Health System (a dedidcated information area will be available soon)
Loss of card
Contacts for holders of EHICs issued in Portugal
Instituto da Segurança Social, IP
Unidade de Coordenação Internacional
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 175
1069-451 Lisboa
Tel: + 351 300 511 045
E-mail: ISS-Internacionaisseg-social [dot] pt (ISS-Internacionais[at]seg-social[dot]pt)