Call 112
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
(Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia – HIIS)
Tel: +386 1 30 77 300
Email: gpzzzs [dot] si (gp[at]zzzs[dot]si)
Emergency departments in Slovenia are called urgenca.
Access to medical services during temporary stay in Slovenia
Treatment, coverage & costs
- With your European Health Insurance Card, consult a doctor who is registered with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.
- Dentists offer emergency medical services.
- With your European Health Insurance Card, consult a dentist at a public health centre or a private centre that has a contract with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.
Hospital treatment
- You will need a referral from a doctor.
- In case of emergency, it is possible to go directly to the emergency ward nearest to the place of residence.
- Medicines can be obtained from pharmacies (in Slovenian: lekarna) having contractual agreements with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia on the basis of a prescription issued by a primary care physician.
- In the event of inpatient treatment, medicines are ensured as part of the treatment.
- Urgent medical treatment transport by ambulance is free of charge, provided that a doctor confirms it as medically necessary (issues a referral).
Air ambulance
- No information available.
- There is no reimbursement system in Slovenia.
- If you have to pay for care, contact your national health insurance provider once you return home to seek reimbursement.
Patient contribution
No patient contribution is required.
Dialysis, oxygen & chemotherapy
- Foreign insured persons can access such services in Slovenia on the basis of preliminary authorisation from a healthcare institute which has a contractual agreement with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS).
- The list of dialysis and chemotherapy centres in Slovenia is available on the HIIS's English web pages.
- You can find more information on oxygen therapy (in Slovenian only) or through the contacts page of the HIIS.
How do I apply for an EHIC?
Slovenian insured persons can apply for an EHIC at Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia’s regional offices, via website (in Slovenian only) or via mobile phone with SMS (in Slovenian only).
Doctors & hospitals accepting the EHIC
Loss of card
Contacts for holders of EHICs issued in Slovenia
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
(Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia – HIIS)