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You must send a declaration of the accident to your insurance institution. The institution in the country where the accident took place must also forward the medical certificate together with any relevant information which your insurance institution may request.
If the accident occured while you were travelling to or from work, your insurance institution may appoint an investigator to hold an inquiry in the country where the accident occurred. The investigator will be assisted by the local authorities. >> Use our directory to find a contact institution
If, according to the national legislation of the country where you are insured, the amount of the cash benefit depends on the number of members of your family, even family members residing in another EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland will be taken into account when calculating your benefits.
If you have pursued an activity which is likely to have caused your disease in more than one EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you or your survivors may only claim benefits where you were insured when you were last exposed to this risk.
The country where you are insured is always responsible for paying your cash benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases, i.e. benefits that replace a wage that has been suspended due to an accident at work or an occupational disease.
Cash benefits are normally paid out directly by the institution of the country where you are insured. Your country of insurance can, however, agree with the institutions of the country where you live or stay that your cash benefits will be paid out by them. This will not change the amount you receive.
If you suffer an accident at work while travelling within the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you are still covered against the risk of accidents at work.
You are entitled to the benefits in kind which become necessary on medical grounds during your travel outside of the country where you are insured. You are also entitled to the special benefits in kind of the scheme covering accidents at work provided in the country where you are when the accident occurs.