The EU rules on social security coordination apply in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland to national legislation on:
- sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits
- old-age pensions, pre-retirement and invalidity benefits
- survivors’ benefits and death grants
- unemployment benefits
- family benefits
- benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases
As regulations, the coordination rules apply directly in all EU countries. In other words, they have to be observed by national authorities and administrations, social security institutions and courts. Even when national laws are in conflict with them, EU rules have priority.
It may be difficult to determine whether or not a particular benefit is covered by the coordination rules. Contact your social security institution to find out.
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What is not covered
- A certain number of special cash benefits which are not based on contributions (non-contributory benefits) will only be provided by and at the expense of the institution of your country of residence. In most cases these benefits are paid to people whose pension or income is below a certain level. They will not be paid if you reside in another country. These benefits are listed in Annex X of Regulation 883/2004.
- EU coordination does not apply to social and medical assistance: these benefits are normally granted on the basis of your means.
- EU coordination does not apply to taxation. Ask the tax authorities in your country for information on your particular case.
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