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In support of vocational training, this section presents a set of curated resources designed to inspire, inform, and engage all stakeholders in the pursuit of vocational excellence. 

Vocational Excellence Stories

Immerse yourself in the impactful narratives of CoVEs across Europe and beyond. We have selected some Vocational Excellence stories that highlight the transformative power of vocational training, showcasing real-life examples of how innovation and commitment have led to significant contributions in various communities and sectors.

  • The GREENOVET project fosters the development of VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe by establishing Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) that will enable an innovative, inclusive, and sustainable economy. Among other things, the project will enable rreentech projects, conducted by education providers of secondary and tertiary students, jointly and in interconnected VET scenarios.
  • The PoVE Water project is working to expanding Vocational Excellence in the Global water sector, by securing a central role of Vocational Education & Training in Regional Innovation Ecosystems and by expanding the work of the CoVE’s Water centres to EU neighbouring countries in the partnership and globally. 
  • The GIVE project has developed an European Platform of Centres of Excellence devoted to innovate VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups, though training and management modelization, training development and transnational mobility.

Map of Erasmus+ CoVEs

The CopCoVEs community has created an interactive map of all coordinators and partners of Erasmus+ projects in the field of Vocational Excellence. Explore the map to build relationships with new partners in your field.

Research and Insights

The Research Corner offers a treasure trove of the latest studies and trends in vocational education. We are creating an online library. That will become a go-to source for insights that inform strategic decision-making and foster innovative approaches in vocational training. In the meantime, start exploring the following resources:

  • The 2023 ETF Study “Centres of Vocational Excellence: Processes and practices” aims at increasing understanding, as well as providing in-depth and up-to-date knowledge on the processes and key practices that are CoVEs main inputs for excellence, in terms of building relationships with the private sector.
  • The 2023 research paper Analyzing vocational excellence: a research-based model presents a model for analysing excellence, including horizontal layers (infrastructure, human resources, pedagogical landscape, systems and processes and stakeholder collaboration) laced with vertical “megatrend” dimensions of excellence: innovation, greening and digitalization.
  • The 2023 ETF reports “Building evidence to support vocational excellence for the digital and green transition” focus on the role of CoVEs in the green and digital transition, exploring how CoVEs are managing the whole-institution change connected to these transitions.
  • The 2023 report “The future of vocational education and training in Europe” by CEDEFOP presents a holistic approach to understanding and comparing vocational education and training (VET) systems, with  50 dimensions structured according to three main perspectives: epistemological and pedagogical, education system, and socioeconomic or labour market.

Guidelines and toolkits for excellence

  • The handbook 'Working together works' illustrates practical strategies for schools and ICT companies to forge successful partnerships: from internships to joint curriculum innovations, these collaborations are crucial in cultivating a well-equipped workforce. Discover concrete steps for effective industry-school cooperation and inspiring success stories here.
  • In tandem, the DiTRAVET project exemplifies the essential role of digital transformation in Vocational Education and Training (VET). With initiatives like updating the SELFIE tool for work-based learning and developing comprehensive digital education toolkits, DiTRAVET is setting new standards in digital readiness for VET providers. For more insights into these innovative educational strategies, visit DiTRAVET Education Toolkit.

Policy corner

Vocational Excellence is at the core of the most EU recent policy developments in the area of Vocational Education and Training: