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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

There is a strong potential in promoting joint actions to maximise the impact of skills investment. Skills policies and actions involve many players.

Actors involved include national ministries and regional authorities, ed­ucation and training providers, the industry itself, research organisations, social partners, chambers of commerce and employment agencies are only a number of those who con­tribute to making up- and reskilling a reality.

Concerted efforts can bring clarity to individuals and companies throughout the value chain, reduce costs and focus on priorities.

Pact for Skills

To promote upskilling and reskilling partnerships between different stakeholders the European Skills Agenda put forward the Pact for Skills, which aims to mobilise all relevant actors to pool their resources and support human development.

Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills

The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation strengthens stakeholder efforts, and is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

Under the blueprint, stakeholders work together in sector-specific partnerships, called alliances for sectoral cooperation for skills, which develop and implement strategies to address skills gaps in these sectors.

European Alliance for Apprenticeships

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) unites governments and key stakeholders with the aim of strengthening the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships across Europe,

In the Youth Employment Support: a bridge to jobs for the next generation the Commission puts a renewed impetus on the European Alliance for Apprenticeships which will promote national coalitions, support SMEs and reinforce the involvement of social partners: trade unions and employers' organisations.