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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
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Policy Brief on supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship


Publication date
20 April 2023


This policy brief on "Supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship – Ensuring inclusion in a post covid-19 economy" was produced by the OECD and the European Commission. It explores the potential of entrepreneurship policy to support the labour market participation of people with disabilities. Disabilities vary widely in type, severity, stability, duration and time of onset, and these characteristics influence individual capacities and willingness to be active in the labour market. Self-employment can be appropriate for some in this population because it can provide more flexibility than paid employment in terms of workload, work schedule and work location, which can allow for better management of disability and lifestyle. This brief provides an overview of the policy rationale for entrepreneurship support for people with disabilities and provides a brief overview of the scale and nature of self-employment activities by people with disabilities and suggests potential actions for governments.

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  • 6 AUGUST 2024
Policy Brief on supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship