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Publications (199)
RSSThe conference to celebrate the 2021 European Day of Persons with Disabilities brought together more than 400 politicians, high-level experts and disability advocates. This report summarises the discussions held on current challenges in access to healthcare and the digital transformation. The conference also focused on the experiences and needs of children with disabilities.
This report is a follow up to the PES Network study ‘PES measures and activities responding to COVID-19’ published in June 2020. The objective is to review the responses of PES to the COVID-19 pandemic, during the various phases of the crisis and the period of economic recovery from the crisis.
The report identifies trends in free movement of workers, based on the latest available data (2020/2019). This edition also includes findings on the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and on return mobility.
The report identifies trends in free movement of workers, based on the latest available data (2020/2019). This edition also includes findings on the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and on return mobility.
This report analyses the current situation in the area of social services across the EU Member States and strives to establish a common understanding of key terms and approaches in line with the European Commission’s emphasis on integrity, quality and equality.
This report analyses the current situation in the area of social services across the EU Member States and strives to establish a common understanding of key terms and approaches in line with the European Commission’s emphasis on integrity, quality and equality.
The March 2022 edition of the Employment and Social Developments Quarterly Review discusses data collected before the unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russia on 24 February 2022.
The report identifies the main gaps and obstacles faced by young people in accessing social protection schemes, providing a factual overview of the current state of social protection for young people in Europe.
ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) is an active inclusion initiative to empower the most vulnerable young people aged 18 to 29 who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs), by implementing a tailor-made approach to support them to find a job and integrate into society.
The 2021 statistical reports focus on the most recent developments in light of the COVID-19 pandemic which strongly reduced intra-EU mobility in 2020. The report explains to what extend the pandemic has impacted the coordination of social security systems.