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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 30 October 2023
  • 1 min read

Moving to another EU country? Find out what your social security rights are

The EU provides common rules to protect your social security rights - such as a pension or maternity leave - when moving to another European country.

Which EU country is responsible for my social security coverage?

Do you get pension, maternity leave or other social security benefits?

You can actually keep receiving them while moving to any EU country, as well as to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

To know more about the country you are moving to, check-out our country database to learn:

  • when you are eligible for benefits
  • what you are entitled to
  • how to go about claiming

Your social security rights country by country  

What is covered?

The EU coordination of social security currently covers benefits such as:

  • sickness, maternity and paternity benefits
  • old-age pensions, early retirement and invalidity benefits
  • survivors’ benefits and death grants
  • unemployment benefits
  • family benefits
  • benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases

Please keep in mind that some cash benefits which are not based on contributions (such as social assistance or other minimum income benefits) may not be covered in another country.

If you do not know whether your benefit is kept when moving abroad, please contact your social security institution.

To find the relevant information: use our directory of social security coordination institutions.


Publication date
30 October 2023