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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

We publish regular reports on the labour market and social developments in the EU. 

This analysis supports EU institutions, national governments and other stakeholders in social and employment policy making.

At EU level, these reports are used to shape policy priorities under the:

Key publications

Employment and Social Developments in Europe - annual review

This review provides in-depth medium to long-term analysis of various employment and social issues, such as:

  • long-term unemployment
  • mobility and migration
  • people and skills
  • modernising social protection schemes

Since 2017, the annual ESDE review has been dedicated to one overarching theme: intergenerational fairness and demographic change in 2017, the future of work, new forms of work and digitalisation in 2018, sustainable growth in 2019 and fairness and solidarity in 2020:

Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe - annual review

This report analyses the labour market from a macroeconomic perspective. It provides an analysis of recent employment and wage developments, looking at the euro area and the EU as a whole in comparison with its global trading partners. Each edition includes a thematic chapter that deepens the macro-economic analysis of a relevant issue.

A section is devoted to policy trends and recent labour market measures enacted by EU countries, based on the LABREF database. The report also describes the labour market recommendations addressed to each member state in the context of the European Semester.

Employment and Social Developments in Europe - Quarterly Review

This quarterly provides a review of recent social and labour market developments in the EU. It looks at short-term changes in GDP and employment trends, e.g. employment and unemployment rates, long-term unemployment, youth unemployment, labour demand, productivity, changes in gross disposable household income and financial distress. It occasionally looks at specific market groups (women, young people). It provides information on the EU as a whole, the euro area, and each member state.

Analytical web notes – occasional

These occasional analytical web notes provide a special focus on a particular subject. They include descriptive analysis of recently published data, including data from the EU-LFS or the EU-SILC surveys or other sources (e.g. the Labour Market Policy statistics database).

Working papers

Analytical working papers examine various aspects of employment and social policy in detail and are the basis for priority policy programmes, e.g. the Europe 2020 process.

They provide detailed analytical background information for long-term challenges and are published online.

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