Glavni sadržaj
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Samo se države članice mogu prijaviti za potpore iz Fonda. Pojedinci, predstavničke organizacije ili poslodavci pogođeni otpuštanjima koji žele osigurati da otpušteni radnici mogu koristiti potpore iz EGF-a trebaju se obratiti osobi za kontakt za svoju državu članicu.

U okviru Uredbe o EGF-u utvrđuju se uvjeti prihvatljivosti zahtjeva.

Za više informacija pogledajte:

Europska komisija može ponuditi pomoć prije podnošenja službenog zahtjeva. Države članice koje žele iskoristiti tu pomoć trebale bi se EMPL-EGFatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (obratiti na e-adresu EGF-a).

Osobe za kontakt u vezi s EGF-om u državama članicama EU-a

Odaberite zastavu odgovarajuće države:

Austria | Belgium

  • Website: EGF in Austria

    Federal Ministry of Labour
    Directorate-General III – Labour Market
    Department A/3 – International Labour Market Policy
    Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
    Postal address: Taborstraße 1-3, A-1020 Vienna, Austria
    Phone: +431 711 00 630 231
    Mobile: +43 664 888 43 992
    E-mail: hatice [dot] yildirim-metzatbma [dot] gv [dot] at (hatice[dot]yildirim-metz[at]bma[dot]gv[dot]at)

    Mr Johannes SCHWEIGHOFER
    Head of Department
    Federal Ministry of Labour
    Directorate-General III – Labour Market
    Department A/3 – International Labour Market Policy
    Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
    Postal address: Taborstraße 1-3, A-1020 Vienna, Austria
    Phone: +43 1 71100-630230
    e-mail: Johannes [dot] schweighoferatbma [dot] gv [dot] at (Johannes[dot]schweighofer[at]bma[dot]gv[dot]at)

  • Website: EGF in Belgium (Flanders)
    Website: EGF in Belgium (Wallonia)

    Ms Ria SCHOOFS
    Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale
    Services du Président
    Division des affaires internationales
    rue Ernest Blerot 1
    B-1070 Brussels
    Phone: +32 2 233 40 46
    Fax: +32 2 233 40 48
    E-mail: ria [dot] schoofsatwerk [dot] belgie [dot] be (ria[dot]schoofs[at]werk[dot]belgie[dot]be)

    Ms Véronique LESNE
    Agence Fonds social européen
    Place communale 8 (4ème étage)
    B 1160 – Auderghem
    E-mail: veronique [dot] lesneatfse [dot] be (veronique[dot]lesne[at]fse[dot]be)

    Ms Carine DOUCET
    Directeur  Samenwerking VDAB
    Phone: +32 497 51 89 46
    E-mail:  carine [dot] doucetatvdab [dot] be (carine[dot]doucet[at]vdab[dot]be)

Bulgaria | Croatia

    Head of Programing and Contracting Unit
    Directorate General “European Funds, International Programmes and Projects” (DG EFIPP)
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
    Phone: + 359 2 93 29 538
    Mobile: + 359 882 825 944
    E-mail: desislava [dot] georgievaatmlsp [dot] government [dot] bg (desislava[dot]georgieva[at]mlsp[dot]government[dot]bg)

    Permanent Representation Contact:

    Mr Todor KRASTEV
    Counsellor - Employment and Social Affairs
    Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the European Union
    Sq. Marie-Louise, 49
    B-1000 Bruxelles
    Phone: +32 2 235 83 25
    E-mail: todor [dot] krastevatbg-permrep [dot] eu (todor[dot]krastev[at]bg-permrep[dot]eu)

    Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Directorate for Management of EU Operational Programmes
    Head of Department for Programming Documents
    Koranska 2,
    HR - 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
    Phone: +385 1 647 20 61
    E-mail: lovrenka [dot] bulat-brajkovicatmrosp [dot] hr (lovrenka[dot]bulat-brajkovic[at]mrosp[dot]hr)

Cyprus | Czech Republic

    Ministry of Labour Welfare and Social Insurance
    Klimentos 9
    CY-1494 Nicosia
    Phone: +357 22 400 959
    E-mail: tpapavarnavaatmlsi [dot] gov [dot] cy (tpapavarnava[at]mlsi[dot]gov[dot]cy)

    Additional contacts:

    Mrs Evgenia PAPAGEORGIOU
    Labour Officer
    Department of Labour
    Klimentos 9
    CY-1480 Nicosia
    Phone: +357 22 400 819
    E-mail: epapageorgiouatdl [dot] mlsi [dot] gov [dot] cy (epapageorgiou[at]dl[dot]mlsi[dot]gov[dot]cy)

  • Website EGF in Czechia

    MsMarta MLEJNKOVÁ 
    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
    Na Poříčním právu 1
    128 01 Prague 2
    Czech Republic
    E-mail: marta [dot] mlejnkovaatmpsv [dot] cz (marta[dot]mlejnkova[at]mpsv[dot]cz)

    Additional contact persons:

    Ms Petra HÁJKOVÁ 
    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
    Na Poříčním právu 1,
    128 01 Prague 2
    Czech Republic
    Phone: +420 221 923 479
    E-mail: petra [dot] hajkovaatmpsv [dot] cz (petra[dot]hajkova[at]mpsv[dot]cz)

Denmark | Estonia

    Danish Business Authority
    Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affaires
    Vejlsovej 29
    DK-8600 Silkeborg
    Phone: +45 35 29 17 00
    E-mail: emmkroaterst [dot] dk (emmkro[at]erst[dot]dk)

    Danish Business Authority
    Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affaires
    Vejlsovej 29
    DK-8600 Silkeborg
    E-mail:sarandaterst [dot] dk (sarand[at]erst[dot]dk)

  • Ms Pille PENK
    Advisor for Structural Funds
    Strategy Department
    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
    Suur-Ameerika 1,
    10122 Tallinn
    Phone: +372 5918 2214
    E-mail: pille [dot] penkatmkm [dot] ee (pille[dot]penk[at]mkm[dot]ee)

Finland | France

  • Web: EGF in Finland

    Ms Helinä YLI-KNUUTILA
    Senior Specialist
    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
    Regional and Urban Development
    PO Box 32
    FI-00023 Government
    Phone: +358 29 5047 146
    E-mail: helina [dot] yli-knuutilaatgov [dot] fi (helina[dot]yli-knuutila[at]gov[dot]fi)

    Additional contacts:

    Ms Outi VILJAMAA
    Ministerial Adviser
    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
    PO Box 32
    FI-00023 Government
    Phone: +358 29 504 7982
    E-mail: outi [dot] viljamaaatgov [dot] fi (outi[dot]viljamaa[at]gov[dot]fi)

  • Website: EGF in France

    Ms. Anne COUROUAU
    Cheffe de mission FNE
    Mission Fonds National de l’Emploi (MFNE)
    Sous-Direction des Mutations Economiques et de la Sécurisation de l'emploi (SDMESE)
    Ministère du travail, du plein emploi et de l’insertion
    Phone: +33 (0)7 64 50 31 68
    E-mail: anne [dot] courouauatemploi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (anne.courouau)mathieu [dot] guibardatemploi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (

    Mr. François DESIMON
    Adjoint au chef de mission FNE
    Mission Fonds National de l’Emploi (MFNE)
    Sous-Direction des Mutations Économiques et de la Sécurisation de l'emploi (SDMESE)
    Ministère du travail, du plein emploi et de l’insertion
    Phone: +33 (0)6 59 44 12 31
    E-mail: francois [dot] desimonatemploi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (francois[dot]desimon[at]emploi[dot]gouv[dot]fr)

    Ms. Fanny SAN JOSE
    Chargée de mission FNE – FEM (Fonds européen d’ajustement à la mondialisation), FTJ (Fonds de transition juste)
    Mission Fonds National de l’Emploi (MFNE)
    Sous-Direction des Mutations Economiques et de la Sécurisation de l'emploi (SDMESE)
    Ministère du travail, du plein emploi et de l’insertion
    Phone: +33 (0)7 63 20 99 45
    E-mail: fanny [dot] sanjoseatemploi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (fanny[dot]sanjose[at]emploi[dot]gouv[dot]fr)

    Ms. Christine TISSERAND
    Chargée de mission FNE – pôle reclassement
    Mission Fonds National de l’Emploi (MFNE)
    Sous-Direction des Mutations Economiques et de la Sécurisation de l'emploi (SDMESE)
    Ministère du travail, de l’emploi et de l’insertion
    Phone: +33 (0)7 63 47 01 11
    E-mail: Christine [dot] TISSERANDatemploi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (Christine[dot]TISSERAND[at]emploi[dot]gouv[dot]fr)

    Permanent Representation Contact:

    Ms Jeannine BARBAS
    Secteur des affaires sociales et du travail
    Représentation Permanente de la France auprès de l'UE
    Place de Louvain, 14
    B-1000 BRUXELLES
    Phone: +32 2 229 86 34
    Fax: +32 2 229 86 43
    E-mail: jeannine [dot] barbasatdiplomatie [dot] gouv [dot] fr (jeannine[dot]barbas[at]diplomatie[dot]gouv[dot]fr)

Germany | Greece

  • Website: EGF in Germany

    Ms Christiane KOENIG
    Leiterin des Referats "Europäischer Globalisierungsfonds Verwaltungsbehörde"
    ESF Programm Umsetzung
    Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
    Wilhelmstraße 49,
    D-11017 Berlin
    Phone: +49 (0) 3018-527-6758
    Fax:      +49 (0) 3018-527-5104
    E-Mail: christiane [dot] koenigatbmas [dot] bund [dot] de (christiane[dot]koenig[at]bmas[dot]bund[dot]de)

    Ms Verena GRUNEWALD
    Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
    Rochusstr. 1
    D-53123 Bonn
    Phone: +49 (0) 3018-527-3082
    Fax: +49 (0) 3018-527-5104
    E-Mail: verena [dot] grunewaldatbmas [dot] bund [dot] de (verena[dot]grunewald[at]bmas[dot]bund[dot]de)

  • Website: EGF in Greece

    Mrs. Anastasia SACHINIDOU
    Head of Unit I.A
    Employment, Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation
    Special Service, Executive NSRF Structure
    Ministry of Labour and Social Security
    4, Korai str,
    105 64 Athens, Greece
    Phone: +30 210 5271 360
    E-mail: asachinidouatmou [dot] gr (asachinidou[at]mou[dot]gr)

    Mrs. Georgia KOKKINI
    Unit I.A
    Employment, Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation
    Special Service, Executive NSRF Structure
    Ministry of Labour and Social Security
    4, Korai str,
    105 64 Athens, Greece
    Phone: +30 210 5271121
    E-mail: gkokkiniatmou [dot] gr (gkokkini[at]mou[dot]gr)

Hungary | Ireland

  • Mr. Sándor ÁDÁM
    Head of Department
    Ministry for Economic Development,
    Department for Labour Market Programmes
    Phone: +36 1 795 9779
    E-mail: sandor [dot] adamattim [dot] gov [dot] hu (sandor[dot]adam[at]tim[dot]gov[dot]hu)

  • Website: EGF in Ireland

    Ms Dervila TWAMLEY
    Head of ESF/EGF Policy and Operations
    Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
    Block 1, Floor 3
    Marlborough Street,
    Dublin 1
    Phone: +353 1 889 6400
    E-mail: dervila_twamleyatdfheris [dot] gov [dot] ie (dervila_twamley)mary_mcgarryatdfheris [dot] gov [dot] ie (

    Ms Theresa RYAN
    Head of EGF Managing Authority
    Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
    Block 1, Floor 3
    Marlborough Street,
    Dublin 1
    Phone: +353 1 889 67 07
    E-mail: TheresaM_Ryanatdfheris [dot] gov [dot] ie (TheresaM_Ryan[at]dfheris[dot]gov[dot]ie)

    Ms Catherine DOLAN
    EGF Managing Authority
    Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
    Block 1, Floor 3
    Marlborough Street,
    Dublin 1
    Phone: +353 1 889 22 88
    Mobile: +353 862 007 961
    E-mail: catherine_dolanatdfheris [dot] gov [dot] ie (catherine_dolan[at]dfheris[dot]gov[dot]ie) or EGFMAatdfheris [dot] gov [dot] ie (EGFMA[at]dfheris[dot]gov[dot]ie)

Italy | Latvia

  • Website: EGF in Italy

    Dr.ssa Ludovica IARUSSI
    Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali
    Direzione generale delle politiche attive del lavoro
    Via Fornovo, 8
    I-00192 Roma
    Phone: +39 06 4683 5420
    E-mail: dgpoliticheattivelavorodiv4exanpalatlavoro [dot] gov [dot] it (dgpoliticheattivelavorodiv4exanpal[at]lavoro[dot]gov[dot]it)

    Ms. Elena VISCUSI
    Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali
    Direzione generale delle politiche attive del lavoro
    Via Fornovo, 8
    I-00192 Roma
    Phone: +39 06 4683 5432
    E-mail: eviscusiatlavoro [dot] gov [dot] it (eviscusi[at]lavoro[dot]gov[dot]it)

    Permanent Representation Contact:

    Italian Permanent Representation to the European Union
    Lavoro e occupazione
    Tel. +32 2 22 00 447
    Email: lavoccatrpue [dot] esteri [dot] it (lavocc[at]rpue[dot]esteri[dot]it)

    Ministry of Welfare
    Labour Market Policy Department,
    Skolas  street 28,
    LV-1331 Riga, Latvia
    Phone: +371 6 7 782 960
    E-mail: Nora [dot] Isadzanjana-Ponomarjovaatlm [dot] gov [dot] lv (Nora[dot]Isadzanjana-Ponomarjova[at]lm[dot]gov[dot]lv)

    Additional contacts:

    Ms Antra ESENBERGA
    Ministry of Finance
    Head of EU Budget and Financing Unit
    Smilšu street 1,
    LV-1919 Riga, Latvia
    Phone:+371 6 7 083 869
    E-mail: Antra [dot] Esenbergaatfm [dot] gov [dot] lv (Antra[dot]Esenberga[at]fm[dot]gov[dot]lv)

    Permanent Representation Contact:

    Mr Armands TAPIŅŠ
    Counsellor / EU Budget
    Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the EU
    23 Avenue des Arts, Brussels, Belgium
    Phone: +32(0) 22 383 118
    E-mail: Armands [dot] Tapinsatmfa [dot] gov [dot] lv (Armands[dot]Tapins[at]mfa[dot]gov[dot]lv)

Lithuania | Luxemburg

  • Mr. Arturas BYTAUTAS
    Senior Advisor
    European Union Investment Unit
    Ministry of Social Security and Labour
    Republic of Lithuania.
    Phone: +370 633 61495
    Email: Arturas [dot] Bytautasatsocmin [dot] lt (Arturas[dot]Bytautas[at]socmin[dot]lt)

  • M. Jean ZAHLEN
    Conseiller de gouvernement 1ère classe
    Ministère du Travail et de l’Emploi
    26, rue Zithe
    L-2939 Luxembourg
    Phone: +352 478 61 22
    E-mail:jean [dot] zahlenatmt [dot] etat [dot] lu (jean[dot]zahlen[at]mt[dot]etat[dot]lu)

    Ms Nadine WELTER
    Phone: +352 2478 63 15
    E-mail: nadine [dot] welteratmt [dot] etat [dot] lu (nadine[dot]welter[at]mt[dot]etat[dot]lu)

    Permanent Representation Contact:

    M. Luc WIES
    Conseiller Emploi & politiques sociales
    RP du Luxembourg auprès de l'UE
    75, av. de Cortenbergh
    B-1000 Bruxelles
    Phone: +32 2 737 56 18
    E-mail: luc [dot] wiesatmae [dot] etat [dot] lu (luc[dot]wies[at]mae[dot]etat[dot]lu)

Malta | Netherlands

  • Website: EGF in Malta

    Mr Anthony CAMILLERI
    Director General
    Funds and Programmes Division
    Ministry for the Economy, European Funds, and Lands
    Farsons Street,
    Hamrun HMR 1321
    Phone: +356 220 01 476
    E-mail: anthony [dot] c [dot] camilleriatgov [dot] mt (anthony[dot]c[dot]camilleri[at]gov[dot]mt)  

    Ms Kylie CIANTAR
    Programme Officer (EU Funds)
    Funds and Programmes Division
    Ministry for the Economy, European Funds, and Lands
    Farsons Street,
    Hamrun HMR 1321
    Phone: +356 220 01 198
    E-mail: kylie [dot] ciantaratgov [dot] mt (kylie[dot]ciantar[at]gov[dot]mt)

    Mr Raphael SCERRI
    Head of Division – Employer Services
    Jobsplus Head Office
    Hal Far Road
    Hal Far, BBG 3000
    Phone: +356 222 01 301
    E-mail: raphael [dot] p [dot] scerriatgov [dot] mt (raphael[dot]p[dot]scerri[at]gov[dot]mt)

    Additional contacts:

    Ms Olivia FARRUGIA
    Head of Division- Jobseeker Services
    Jobsplus Head Office
    Hal Far Road
    Hal Far, BBG 3000
    Phone: +356 222 01 409
    Email: olivia [dot] a [dot] farrugiaatgov [dot] mt (olivia[dot]a[dot]farrugia[at]gov[dot]mt)

    Ms Doriana BEZZINA
    Head of Division – EU and International Affairs, Research and Intelligence
    Jobsplus Head Office
    Hal Far Road
    Hal Far, BBG 3000
    Phone: +356 222 01 114
    E-mail: doriana [dot] bezzinaatgov [dot] mt (doriana[dot]bezzina[at]gov[dot]mt)

  • Website: EGF in the Nederlands

    Mr Roderick VAN KEMPEN
    Consultant AMIF
    Directie Dienstverlening Samenwerkingsverbanden en Uitvoering Uitvoering van Beleid
    Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
    Rijnstraat 50| 2515 XP Den Haag
    Postbus 93249 | 2509 AE Den Haag
    Phone: +31 650 085 174
    E-mail: rvkempenatminszw [dot] nl (rvkempen[at]minszw[dot]nl)

    Ms Melanie LIMON
    Beleidsmedewerker Europese Fondsen
    Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
    Parnassusplein 5 | 2511 VX | Den Haag
    Phone: +31(06) 29 655 911
    Email:  mlimonatminszw [dot] nl (mlimon[at]minszw[dot]nl)

Poland | Portugal

  • Website: EGF in Poland

    Mr Łukasz MIKULEC
    Head of Unit
    Unit for Labour Market and Social Integration
    Department for European Social Fund
    Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
    ul Wspólna 2/4
    PL-00-926 Warsaw, Poland
    Phone: + 48 22 273 79 92
    Fax: + 48 22 273 89 19
    E-mail: Lukasz [dot] Mikulecatmfipr [dot] gov [dot] pl (Lukasz[dot]Mikulec[at]mfipr[dot]gov[dot]pl)

    Unit for Labour Market and Social Integration
    Department for European Social Fund
    Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
    ul Wspólna 2/4
    PL-00-926 Warsaw, Poland
    Phone: + 48 22 273 86 73
    E-mail: Pawel [dot] Michniewiczatmfipr [dot] gov [dot] pl (Pawel[dot]Michniewicz[at]mfipr[dot]gov[dot]pl)

  • Ms Adélia COSTA
    Head of the Employment Department
    IEFP - Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, IP
    Rua de Xabregas, 52
    P-1949-003 Lisboa
    Phone: +351 218 614 189
    Fax: +351 218 614 607
    E-mail: adelia [dot] costaatiefp [dot] pt (adelia[dot]costa[at]iefp[dot]pt)

    Additional contacts:

    Mr Luis COSTA
    Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional
    Rua de Xabregas, 52
    P-1949-003 Lisboa
    Phone: +351-217 818 320 or +351 218 614 190
    Fax: +351 218 614 603
    E-mail: luis [dot] m [dot] costaatiefp [dot] pt (luis[dot]m[dot]costa[at]iefp[dot]pt)

Romania | Slovakia

  • Mr. Ciprian SIMION
    Head of Unit
    Coordination of EU funded Projects
    20-22, Strada Avalansei, Sector 4
    Bucharest, Romania
    Tel: + 40 21 3039853, 40 721516161
    E-mail: ciprian [dot] simionatanofm [dot] gov [dot] ro (ciprian[dot]simion[at]anofm[dot]gov[dot]ro)

  • Mr. Martin DRAHOŠ
    Ministry of Labour Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
    Špitálska ulica 4, 6
    816 43 Bratislava
    Phone: +421-2-2046 2026
    e-mail: martin [dot] drahosatemployment [dot] gov [dot] sk (martin[dot]drahos[at]employment[dot]gov[dot]sk)

    Additional contacts:

    Mr. Gabriel KOSZTOLÁNYI
    PES - Central Office of Labour Social Affairs and Familly
    e-mail: gabriel [dot] kosztolanyiatupsvr [dot] gov [dot] sk (gabriel[dot]kosztolanyi[at]upsvr[dot]gov[dot]sk)
    tel.: +421 2 20 444 811

Slovenia | Spain

  • Ms Petricija VREČAR
    Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    Kotnikova 28
    SI 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Phone: +386 1 369 7664
    E mail: petricija [dot] vrecaratgov [dot] si (petricija[dot]vrecar[at]gov[dot]si)

    Ms Lea MARTIČ
    Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    Kotnikova 28
    SI 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Phone: +386 1 369 7696
    E-mail: lea [dot] marticatgov [dot] si (lea[dot]martic[at]gov[dot]si)

  • Website: EGF in Spain

    Ms Victoria BERROCAL RUIZ
    Unidad Administradora del Fondo Social Europeo (UAFSE)
    Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social
    C/ Pío Baroja nº 6
    E-28009 MADRID
    Phone: +34 91 3632053
    Fax: +34 91 3632030
    e-mail: vberrocalatmites [dot] gob [dot] es (vberrocal[at]mites[dot]gob[dot]es)


  • Website: EGF in Sweden

    113 99 Stockholm
    Phone: +46 10 486 61 51
    E-mail: lena [dot] holm-lundvallatarbetsformedlingen [dot] se (lena[dot]holm-lundvall[at]arbetsformedlingen[dot]se)

    Cecilia Eng JAKOBSSON
    Ministry of Employment
    Division for Labour Market Policy
    Tel.: +46 8 405 90 80
    Mobile: +46 72 508 63 67
    E-mail: cecilia [dot] eng-jakobssonatregeringskansliet [dot] se (cecilia[dot]eng-jakobsson[at]regeringskansliet[dot]se)

    Permanent Representation Contact:
    Thomas GÖRANSSON
    Permanent representation of Sweden to the EU
    Square de Meeûs 30, B-1000 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 289 5847
    Mobile: +32 (0) 472 840 326
    E-mail: thomas [dot] goranssonatgov [dot] se (thomas[dot]goransson[at]gov[dot]se)

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