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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


Residents of the other Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) need only to show a valid national ID card to prove eligibility for public healthcare in Iceland.



Sjukratryggingar Islands
(Icelandic Health Insurance)
Tel: +354 515 0002
E-mail: internationalatsjukra [dot] is (international[at]sjukra[dot]is)


Treatment, coverage & costs


  • General medical care is provided in health centres, which are located throughout Iceland and are open between 8 am and 4 pm. If you need to consult a doctor outside of opening hours, most areas have a doctor/nurse on stand-by duty.
  • You will be charged a standard fee. This is non-refundable in Iceland, but you can always seek reimbursement once you return home.
  • Treatment is free of charge for children under the age of 18.
  • During evenings and at weekends, treatment in the Reykjavik area can be obtained at the "Læknavaktin" centre. Tel: 1770
  • For medical advice and house calls outside opening hours, call 1770


  • Dental treatment is provided at dental offices in most areas of Iceland.
  • Generally, a standard fee is charged. This is non-refundable in Iceland, but you can always seek reimbursement once you return home.
  • Children under the age of 18 pay a yearly fee of ISK 2,500.
  • State pensioners and those receiving disability benefits are eligible for partial reimbursement. You must provide proof of eligibility.

Hospital treatment

  • Immediate admission is only possible in the event of emergency.
  • Generally, there is no charge for treatment provided during hospital stays (in-patient treatment).
  • You will be charged a fee for treatments with no hospital stay (out-patient treatment). This is non-refundable in Iceland, but you can always seek reimbursement when you are back home.


  • You can go to any pharmacy ("APÓTEK") in Iceland.
  • If your prescription falls under the co-payment rules in Iceland you will have to apply for reimbursement from the Icelandic Health Insurance or seek reimbursement once you return home.
  • Prescription charges range from 0% to 100% of the price according to standard prescription categories.
  • Prescription charges are non-refundable in Iceland, but you can always seek reimbursement once you return home.


  • A standard, non-refundable fee is charged for ambulance services.
  • If you do not show your European Health Insurance Card, you will be charged the full price.
  • This is non-refundable in Iceland, but you can always seek reimbursement once you return home.

Air ambulance

  • The same conditions apply as for transport by ambulance.



  • Standard patient fees are not refundable in Iceland. Other claims for reimbursement should be directed to the Sjúkratryggingar Íslands office in Reykjavik.
  • If you have to pay for care, send your original receipts with your claim and proof of eligibility (i.e. copy of your European Health Insurance Card or other proof of your health insurance) to your national health insurance provider once you return home. Your provider will contact Sjúkratryggingar Íslands.
  • Keep copies of anything you send for your records.


Patient contribution

Co-payment in Iceland varies as stated under "Treatment, coverage and costs", depending on what type of medical treatment and what group an individual belongs to:

  • children under the age of 18,
  • state pensioners,
  • those receiving disability benefits.


Dialysis, oxygen & chemotherapy

  • Your EHIC covers the provision of oxygen, dialysis and chemotherapy.
  • You should arrange and pre-book medical treatment before you go. Ensure you allow plenty of time to make arrangements before you travel.
  • It is particularly important to ensure you have booked a state-funded healthcare provider. Treatments carried out by private healthcare providers are not covered by your EHIC.
  • For dialysis contact: Landspitali University Hospital (in Icelandic), Dialysis unit, Eiriksgata 5, 101 Reykjavik. Tel. +354 543 6311, Fax.: +345 543 4806
  • For oxygen therapy contact: Súrefnisþjónustan, Landspitali University Hospital, Unit A-3, Fossvogur, Reykjavík. Contactpersons: Stella Hrafnkelsdóttir, RN BSc Nurse eller Rósa Karlsdóttir, Rn BSc Nurse, Tel.: +354 543 6049 / +354 543 6040, Fax: +354 543 6019
  • For other treatments contact: Icelandic Health Insurance's International Department, Vínlandsleið 16,113 Reykjavík, Tel.: +354 515 0002


How do I apply for an EHIC?


Doctors & hospitals accepting the EHIC

  • All health centres are public in Iceland
  • All hospitals are public in Iceland
  • Almost all specialists have a contract with the government, so those who have a contract are part of the public system


Loss of card

Contacts for holders of EHICs issued in Iceland

Sjukratryggingar Islands (Icelandic Health Insurance)
Tel: +354 515 0002
Email: internationalatsjukra [dot] is (international[at]sjukra[dot]is)