The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a multi-stakeholder platform aiming at:
- Strengthening the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships in Europe
- Promoting the mobility of apprentices
These aims are promoted through national commitments and voluntary pledges from stakeholders.
In July 2020, Commissioner Nicolas Schmit launched the renewed EAfA, setting out six ambitious priorities, first established in the Youth Employment Support package. They were a synthesis of inputs from different EU documents and policies, the first and foremost of which being the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.
The renewed EAfA’s priorities include:
- encouraging commitment among Member States and companies to quality and effective apprenticeships by fostering national apprenticeship coalitions
- incentivising support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in providing a stable supply of quality and effective apprenticeships
- mobilising local and regional authorities as catalysts for apprenticeships within the local business environment
- strengthening social dialogue through more active involvement by national social partner organisations
- proactively engaging European sectoral social dialogue committees on apprenticeships, with a view to obtaining agreement on joint sectoral pledges
- supporting the representation of apprentices in Member States by relaunching the European Apprentices Network (EAN)
In 2023, EAfA marked 10 years of working together to create high-quality apprenticeships across Europe. This milestone coincides with the European Year of Skills, which highlights the importance of skills in tackling labour shortages, mastering the green and digital transitions, and ensuring Europe’s future competitiveness. Learn more about the history of EAfA in our dedicated news item.
Who are the members?
In addition to national governments, members of EAfA include companies and business organisations, chambers of industry, commerce and crafts, education and training providers, youth and non-profit organisations, regional and local authorities, social partners, professional bodies and networks as well as research institutes and think tanks.
The Alliance is open to all EU, EFTA and candidate countries, and stakeholders from these countries.
What are the benefits of apprenticeships?
Why EAfA?
EAfA is a platform for sharing experiences and learning from best practices. It allows members to:
- find partners across Europe and beyond
- share news and information, and promote events
- develop new ideas and activities to strengthen apprenticeships
- gain access to the latest news and tools on apprenticeships
“EAfA seeks to connect possibilities of VET systems to respond to the rapidly changing learning and workforce across Europe.”
- European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL), EAfA Member
Why apprenticeships?
Apprenticeships ease the transition from education and training to work. They combine company-based training with school-based education, and lead to a nationally recognised qualification when completed.
Apprentices learn valuable workplace skills in a professional environment, which ensures a greater degree of future employability.
Companies providing apprenticeships are likely to benefit from a net profit on their investment. This can be either during the apprenticeship, or soon after by employing a fully trained worker.
Evidence suggests that countries with a strong vocational education and training (VET) and apprenticeship system have lower levels of youth unemployment. Often there is a contractual relationship between the employer and the apprentice, with the apprentice being paid for their work.
The EAfA promotes youth employment and supports the aim of the Youth Guarantee, while reducing the disparity between skills supply and demand on the labour market.
What has been done so far?
The Alliance has commitments from 41 countries, including 27 EU Member States, all EFTA countries, 8 EU candidate countries and 2 EAfA Partner Countries.
We have brought together more than 470 stakeholders, including companies, social partners, chambers, VET providers, and regional and local authorities, to engage in quality apprenticeships and implement the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships. Together, they have pledged over 3 million training and job opportunities to support the next generation of skilled workers.
The Alliance has facilitated networking, cooperation and sharing of good practices, with Cedefop and the European Training Foundation (ETF) providing strategic expert support.
EAfA developed a large number of training and educational material contributing to increase stakeholder knowledge of apprenticeships and raise awareness of the benefits of apprenticeships.
About Apprenticeship Support Services
The Apprenticeship Support Services aim to:
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of apprenticeships across the EU
- Provide tailored support to stakeholders involved in delivering apprenticeships
The Services contribute to strengthening the European apprenticeship community and support EU Member States in improving their apprenticeship schemes. They provide support through the implementation of knowledge-sharing and networking activities.
EAfA members have access to a wide variety of resources about apprenticeships. These include:
- A library of resources: a dynamic and searchable catalogue of quality-checked tools, knowledge and information
- The EAfA Activities Hub: a database of all activities and material developed by the Support Services such as:
- EAfA webinars and live discussions
- Factsheets and toolkits
- Training material
- Podcasts and more
Networking fosters mutual learning and capacity-building. EAfA members and supporters have access to online networking through the EAfA LinkedIn group, an online community where members can share ideas, activities and resources with other experts and stakeholders in apprenticeships.
EAfA regularly organises networking events, such as stakeholder meetings or learning seminars. These events are reserved to EAfA members, participation is free of charge and accommodation and travel costs are covered by EAfA.
Finally, members can come together in EAfA Communities to discuss and work together on topics they care about.